Bob thinks that dropping a little piece of plastic is not a big deal.
"Ms. Mo made forty or fifty yuan a month back then, so a 0.05-yuan ticket may not be a big deal for her. But for me, it moved me deeply," said 63-year-old Shao.
Not such a big deal for usernames and passwords, but other scenarios built in the same way may need more data.
This may not seem like a big deal, but consider the fact that virtually every programming language has a routine to translate its own native objects into this form.
Well, the TV producer did not think this was going to be a big deal; she was not digging this line of thought.
The actual installation of a wireless LAN is not such a big deal; the key lies in what you buy, and whether it is supported under a Linux system.
When you only have thirty or forty friends, it’s often not a big deal to just lump them all together.
In short, while Web video standards are a big deal, Google not supporting H.264 in this version of Chrome isn't a big deal.
总之,网页视频标准很重要,不过Google该版本的Chrome不支持h . 264不是个大问题。
Moving is not a big deal to me now, because we are both consultants who have..
While this might not be a big deal for a site with only a few thousand visitors a month or with limited content, for site with more pages and more visitors, this can actually add up to a huge savings.
They're least bothered about any emotional commitments and so for them, cheating is not a big deal.
While all this is not a big deal for most of the applications, there should be a better solution for projects that rely heavily on SSL.
Far from hiding the relationship, Nixon has spoken freely in TV and newspaper interviews about it not being a big deal.
It may not sound like such a big deal, but it helps keep your most important &used folders at the top, and the rest at the bottom.
On their own they might not be a big deal and you'd go on forgetting about them, but together they make you think the universe is plotting against you.
It’s not a big deal, they don’t bite, and they love when students come in to chat.
For users comfortable with computers and next-generation applications, it's probably not going to be a big deal.
This is not a big deal because when you use an untyped DataSet you would still likely have to change some client code if the underlying schema changes.
That does not translate into a big real estate deal, though - especially in a city where 14 percent of retail property is vacant.
"If they don't turn out to be scientists, that's not a big deal," he said.
When asked if they see "great risk" in drinking that much, almost half the teens questioned - 45 percent - did not see it as a big deal.
With new facilities costing in the tens of millions, that's not a big deal.
To them, it indicates that physical attractiveness is not that big a deal and that it's easy to compensate for physical shortcomings.
The only real hassle is keeping track of all those extra JAR files, but as you'll see in this section, that's not such a big deal.
If I lose a dozen photos of thousands I've taken, it's not a big deal.
A parliamentary lawmaker in Ulyanovsk named Gennady Budarin said, "Wearing jeans is not a big deal if it does no harm to work.
A parliamentary lawmaker in Ulyanovsk named Gennady Budarin said, "Wearing jeans is not a big deal if it does no harm to work.