Do you not remember how she opened the door for you one night and gave you something to eat?
One thing I do ask you: If you are not doing it, if you don't participate, simply just keep quiet.
The efforts of millions of drivers to get ahead do not miraculously produce a situation in which everyone does better than before, but one in which almost everyone does rather worse.
One day the child was very troublesome, and the mother could not quiet it, do what she would.
One disadvantage is that some species are not collected as they either avoid the traps or do not commonly encounter them while foraging.
I hate being a burden to my friends, and I do not expect to be one much longer.
It is simply a common variant of human nature, one which iconoclasts do not let inhibit their reactions.
Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you.
There is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field.
Similarly, if you really want to save time you do not make cakes with an electric mixer, you buy one in a shop.
Next year one of us will take away your beautiful princess, if you do not take care.
One expert, Frederick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers, they are merely satisfiers.
We cannot ignore the reality that more and more people are suffering from mental problems. One of the leading factors is that they do not communicate properly with their surroundings.
One of the many great points Dave made was that donors do not give to the needy of you; they give to the impact of the project.
Although many people do not think of homosexual relationships as resulting in a family, it has been estimated that about one of five gays and one of three lesbians enter a homosexual marriage.
Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden.
FastMart stores do not have shelf space to stock more than one variety of syrup.
Although they can handle multiple screens, they do not do well with applications that start out in one place and then move to another.
Theatrical art forms in many other countries do not present singing, dancing and spoken parts in one single drama.
She says she is aware that plenty of people do not want to eat genetically modified crops, but she is pushing ahead with every available tool until one works.
Molly, my dictionary is not here. Do you have one?
Non-action (无为) does not mean that one should do nothing but passively wait for something to be achieved.
To make sure that they do not run, race walkers must have one foot on the ground at all times.
Here's one of Confucius' famous sayings, "Do not do to others as you do not wish to be done to you."
Hannah started to think about how she could help, but, of course, there is not a lot one five-year-old can do to solve the problem of homelessness.
But one expert, Frederick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers, they are merely satisfiers.
但一位专家弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格(Frederick Herzberg)认为,这样的条件并不能激励员工,它们仅能令人满意。
The blank could be not doing something or choosing to do one thing over another.
Let me mention some things not to do. The number one thing not to do is other things.
Let me mention some things not to do. The number one thing not to do is other things.