That may sound waffly; but look around the business world and two things stand out: the modern economy places an enormous premium on brainpower; and there is not enough to go round.
The faces of English girls look as if there is not enough materials to go round.
In January power companies had to shut several coal-fired plants because they did not have enough fuel to go round.
They've all got their faults... But they're not such a bad little gang... And luckily there's always enough love to go round.
A further problem, according to Ricardo, an automotive consultancy, is that there are not enough engineering resources to go round.
As many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enough handouts to go round.
When they reach the camp, it is full not overflowing and only those in greatest need are given food There Simply is not enough of anything to go round.
The faces of English girls look as if there is not enough material to go round.
There are not competent people enough in the world to go round; somebody must get the incompetent lawyers and doctors.
世上并没有足够的有才能之士分配给 每一个人,所以有些人就不得不依靠无能的律师与医生了。
There are not competent people enough in the world to go round; somebody must get the incompetent lawyers and doctors.
世上并没有足够的有才能之士分配给 每一个人,所以有些人就不得不依靠无能的律师与医生了。