Wu believes that this historical trajectory has now whiplashed into a grossly excessive demand for the chic, the new, and not to mention the expensive aesthetic of contemporary, avant-garde design.
This allows for a scalable design in that new User-Agent mappings can be added to the portal as new devices become available, but portlets need not change their behavior.
These articles are not intended, however, to provide the basis for the complete design of a new large Linux cluster.
But the problem for the new leaders of Greece and Italy is that the source of their woes, the euro zone's design flaws, stems from mistakes made in brussels-not least by other unelected experts.
Concepts can also be showcases for new design cues, which often find their way into production on future vehicles - even if the entire concept vehicle does not.
The existing parametric design softwares are not safficient for processing the complicated parts We present a new method based on graphics decomposition to solve the problem.
The Manufacturer must only manufacture for the Designer. The Manufacturer must not manufacture and sell the New Design to any other companies in the Territory.
This article gives a new BIST test generator design for transient current testing, this design not only produces needed test vector pairs but also has an advantage of low hardware overheads.
Secondly, the new expert system can design welding procedures for not only single welding process but combined welding processes as well.
New materials and language give us the chance to build for our age, yet if design is not practical it will fail.
A safety assessment technology is a new method in the safety management. But the safety assessment technology for the design of the building projects has not been matured.
This not only makes the theory of pile vibration more perfect, but also provides a totally new theoretical support for pile foundation seismic design and pile dynamic testing.
It not only makes the theories of pile vibration more practical, but also provides a new theoretical support for anti-seismic design of pile foundation and dynamic testing of pile.
Design requires seeking for new, unconventional, changing and difference, otherwise, design will not be called design.
So the paper not only seems useful to deep-sea cobalt crust mining, but also offers a new design method and powerful tool for traditional spiral drum cutting head's parameters designing.
The design of RMT is not just configuring the existing modules for a specific task, but rather a design of a new type of machine, which can illustrate the ideas of reconfiguration science.
The Chinese traditional culture is abundant source for corporate identity design. The designer should not hesitate to try new means of visual identity.
There is a need for more than the old and new customers please do not hesitate to call us, but also an ideal product for you to provide professional design and development.
Haier Zhongshi Business Department is not only a plastic supplier and but also can supply necessary technology support for new product development and participate in pioneering design.
The results reveals that the conventional design is not suitable for designing a very low ns volute pump and a new design is presented.
Denovo protein design is not only the most rigorous check for our knowledge on protein folding, but also a significant way to get new information.
Its ergonomic design not only makes it easy for users to operate, it can easily incorporate existing procedures to add new applications.
This paper not only provides a new method for the valve cam design, but also a method which can be app-lied to other cam designs. Computation of practical examples…
This paper not only provides a new method for the valve cam design, but also a method which can be app-lied to other cam designs. Computation of practical examples…