Both governments and ordinary citizens should join forces to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves but also for future generations.
Spices themselves had always been considered special or magical not just for eating and this was already true in the ancient world where legends about spices were abundant.
But consumers will lead the companies they work for into this world whether they like it or not.
So long as Asia keeps doing well, Thailand will not be as badly hurt and Asia could lead the recovery this time pretty much for the entire world.
所以只要亚洲情况保持良好,泰国受到的冲击就不会那么大。 亚洲这次很有可能会带动全球走出经济危机。
This would be surprising were it not for the fact, so visible from above, that the world is still a sparsely populated place.
In this part of the world, it is not permitted for the groom or the bride-to-be to go to the bathroom 72 hours before the wedding.
I'm not suggesting that there isn't a role for pure philanthropy in this world. There is and will always be.
In this sense the czars are back, not a great development for the rest of the world or for the fading chimera of a "common European home."
The results are consistent with data from other parts of the world and this is therefore not just an issue for Merseyside hospitals, but hospitals throughout the Western world.
To David, this was not just one more bauble in an already overcrowded jewelry box.Rather, this was his love displayed on my arm for all the world to see.
To David, this was not just one more bauble in an already overcrowded jewelry box. Rather, this was his love displayed on my arm for all the world to see.
In the financial world, however, it's all a matter of contracts, payments and let the 'buyer beware' - in this world you only get what you pay for, and sometimes not even that.
And this is the very thing you came for: the inner work of raising your vibration in a world that does not always comply with and sometimes resists your purest intentions.
In this process of internalization you do not search for the cause(s) of your problems in the outside world anymore but you look for them within yourself.
As you know, it's not easy to unplug for this long in today's world.
Had it not been for this, the popular alias of Iosif Dzhugashvilli would never have become known throughout the world.
It is not in our best interest to not tolerate opposition, because this would make it impossible for us to be part of the modern world.
Decades of experience tell us that this world will not become a fair place for health all by itself.
In the real world, we would not be hand-coding these HTTP requests, but our programming or scripting language of choice would do this for us.
The global food problem is not being caused by a falling trend in world production, or for that matter in food output per person (this is often asserted without much evidence).
Because the specification does not allow for this once you create an original list, a workaround is critical to make real-world implementation possible.
These are admirable traits, but if you're not the most patient person in the world, then this might be frustrating for you at first.
Earlier this year, the prospects for the euro area's economy seemed, if not bright, then less dim than for some other parts of the rich world.
We are clearly not ready to spring this onto the world, but we can start working with the stakeholders who are providing the requirements for our application.
This serves to illustrate the wider problem for the EU.It does not know quite what part to play in a world in which the West is declining and "the rest" are rising.
Politicians may not be looking for bold ideas at this point, but the markets certainly are, as Europe's debt crisis threatens to plunge the world into another deep recession.
Politicians may not be looking for bold ideas at this point, but the markets certainly are, as Europe's debt crisis threatens to plunge the world into another deep recession.