But the explication of intricate financial and legal issues is an art form not easily mastered.
Thus far, the accusations have taken the form of an online letter-writing campaign, not a legal battle.
An enterprise shall recognise, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.
Substance over form principle requires enterprises should not be basis of legal form but of economic substance of exchanges in the course of accounting calculation .
Second, when the form of collecting fees is being used, it is not kept within the bounds of legal system and budget control, and thus the disorderly condition of overcharging occurs.
In the international legislative level, the international legislation of sovereign wealth funds is still in its infancy, most legislative efforts have not form a formal legal document.
The legal analysis on cognitive process of this "problem" not only affected the formulation of the standards of criminal model, and inturn it form the ideal model of criminal standards.
The consequence of this kind of situation is multiple: Society fair can not realize, the confidence of people for law had been discouraged, reasonable legal order can not form.
The nature of labor contract determines that there is not any necessary connection between the written form and the legal validity of the labor contract.
Does not conform to the legal conditions shall not grant registration shall be in written form, that the reason for registration shall not be granted.
Professional Committee and by the same branch of the (line) industry or have business links member companies joined together to form, does not have legal personality.
Important Note: This document serves only as a reference and does not form part of a legal contract.
The substance of transactions or other events is not always consistent with that which is apparent from their legal or contrived form.
We're not looking for a mechanism in which we would have an obligation to reduce emissions of a legal form and the major emerging economies would have a voluntary program, "said Pershing."
We're not looking for a mechanism in which we would have an obligation to reduce emissions of a legal form and the major emerging economies would have a voluntary program, "said Pershing."