In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.
Maybe your friends like to go out drinking on Friday nights, or to go to the movies, but if that's not fun for you, suggest different plans.
Facebook users may not personally know all their Facebook friends but they probably do like the movies, books and bands they claim to like.
And I think when the movies 8 click, just like any society's movies, any culture's movie, not every movie here is a classic.
Although interracial romances in films are definitely not the rarity they once were when movies like 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' or '100 Rifles' hit the screen, they are still fairly uncommon.
For example, when you sign up for the Netflix movie rental service, the site recommends movies you might like based on not only what you like, but what other visitors like.
Mir was not like the comfortable spaceships in movies.
Yes, but not to the degree depicted in the movies, where people wink out like lights and buildings disappear from sight and even from the memory of all.
Perhaps this too is why she has a very Zen-like calm about not having any other movies lined up after The Normal Heart, something that would have been unthinkable for Roberts a few years ago.
I love the outdoors, love live music, do not watch much television but I do like movies.
If nicotine withdrawal still causes sleep problems, try some deep-breathing exercises. When temptation rears its ugly head, go places (like the movies) where you're not allowed to smoke.
Like in the movies, I'm not having a big gang of myself in the game, and I'm the boss.
Like in the movies, I'm not having a big gang of myself in the game, and I'm the boss.