Not long after, his mother began to wonder why he had not returned.
Not long after that Susan climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom.
Not long after that, the toothpaste tube was invented, so people could press the toothpaste right onto the toothbrush!
Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.
Not long after, the stolen data was showing up on fake cards and being used for online purchases.
Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune.
Not long after Kostya settled in, Emil drove him to meet their benefactor.
Not long after, William Caxton was the first Englishman in England to use the same idea.
Not long after they meet she is secure, and happy, having been brought to safety, onshore at last.
Unlike other types of tea, which are consumed not long after harvest, Pu’er tastes better with age.
Not long after, he brought his new bulb to a big U.S. trade show and displayed it on a folding table.
But it was not long after the end of both clashes that some Israeli officials began prophesying a new one.
She ordered the light for an undisclosed fee not long after she released the 2009 single of the same name.
It got into television 30 years ago and moved into financial services not long after; Mondadori was acquired in 1991.
Not long after setting off, Eliyah spots a grey seal resting on some thick ice. He stops the boat and Tommy jumps out.
Imagine the satisfaction, the exhilaration when, not long after, I stood as a newlywed surveying my husband's bookcase.
For example, not long after the events of 1848, Charles Darwin presented his theory about natural selection in Britain.
They began the book around 2003, not long after Mr. Rogoff lured Ms. Reinhart back to the I.M.F. to serve as his deputy.
Not long after News Corp. 's purchase, predictions of MySpace's fall began circulating, even as the site was still growing.
Not long after she had conquered a childhood bout with near blindness, her father took her to a cafe and had her sing for tips.
Not long after he got back, Frank had a psychiatric exam in which the doctor found him depressed and unfit for military service.
Not long after the emergence of XML, industry groups started to work on ambitious XML-based standards for all sorts of information.
Not long after this, warming climate and melting ice raised sea levels sharply so that the land-bridge to Asia flooded once again.
We sat on carpet samples because my father had torn out the seats in a sober rage not long after he bought the van from a crazy white man.
We sat on carpet samples because my father had torn out the seats in a sober rage not long after he bought the van from a crazy white man.