Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune.
Not long after that Susan climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom.
Not long after that, the toothpaste tube was invented, so people could press the toothpaste right onto the toothbrush!
Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.
Then not long after that, Moses died.
But not long after that, over 4000 people died as a result of the smog.
Not long after that I was fired for writing a poem on the lid of a shoebox.
Not long after that part of your life the portable gaming world changed dramatically.
Not long after that less-than-1)promising start, Gibson showed up to 2)audition for another movie.
在这个不怎么有希望的起步后没多久,吉布森参加另一部电影的试镜。 收藏。
I engineered a change of topic in the discussion, and the memorable evening ended very amicably not long after that.
Not long after that the old lady moved away and new people bought the house. They fixed up, moved the plant out into the front yard with flush.
Not long after that, they will be able to play video games, either by downloading the game to their handsets or by using their mobile phones to play games with others.
Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle, interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not long after that.
由于可以迅速地编写工作代码并且不需要费时的编译周期, 所以可以立即使界面启动和运行起来,并且不久便可使用这些界面。
Not long after that, Mack, who was in the Ford business with his father, devised a then-novel leasing scheme for Ford trucks, which eventually made him and Ford Motor Company a fortune.
Not long after that I found myself in London, and bought a Daler sketchbook and a drawing pen. This would have been in the art supplies store across the street from the English National Opera.
Not long after that, both of these hard-hearted soldiers came down with some strange sickness the doctors couldn't cure, and before the next migration of the wild geese, both men were dead and buried.
I eventually regained my physical health, but not long after that I got a call from my family at home to say that my father's cancer had fiercely progressed and that he had been admitted to a hospice.
The benefit to confusing your body in this manner is that not only will you burn calories during your dance activity, but you will continue to burn calories long after you stop.
Not long after meeting Helfrich, the patient visited his primary-care doctor - the doctor who had known him for years - and told her that acromegaly was being considered.
With such a background, it is perhaps not surprising that Mr Amaya was arrested after pistol-whipping a girlfriend and is today, at 28, about to finish a long sentence for aggravated assault.
Not long after we started seeing each other, she had told me that keeping her maiden name was a decision she had made as a young girl, long before it became a symbol of women's equality.
That newspaper paragraph he had read so long ago had been true, after all. The first-class magazines did not pay on acceptance, and they paid well.
A fossil formed so long after birds emerged does not, in truth, shed much light on that debate.
The risk is that another bout of higher inflation, not long after one earlier this year, might get baked into expectations, leading to an upward spiral of prices and wages.
This new work provides compelling evidence that the enormous amount of information we hold in long-term memory is not so uncertain after all.
Notably, it was not until Milken's sentencing hearing, long after he had pleaded guilty, that decisive evidence about this question became public.
In short, I do not share the view of many that, after the Internet and the personal computer, it will be a long wait until the next paradigm-shifting innovation.
In short, I do not share the view of many that, after the Internet and the personal computer, it will be a long wait until the next paradigm-shifting innovation.