Thursday provided another reminder that global market movements - unlike, say, deflation or mobile handsets - are not made in China.
They're not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the country.
Toys are not the only things made in China.
IT OFTEN seems that everything is made in China, but certainly not the latest turmoil in financial markets.
Made in China might not have beaten the U.S. out of European Union just yet, but it is indeed neck and neck.
Although fond of blowing his own trumpet, he is not entirely unself-critical, admitting that he would not have made the big bet on China that was by far GM's smartest move in the 1990s.
The southern American city of Houston is not one of great renown, yet it is one of the most famous in China because Yao Ming has made his home there with NBA team, the Rockets.
WHEN Nels Hawkinson made his first trip to China in 1979 to play basketball, he had not expected to return some day as deputy head of the U.S..
The site charges a 20 percent premium for made-to-order shoes, which are assembled in China and are not returnable.
This further points up why I work hard to not buy anything labeled "Made in China!" Whatever it is, it's either junk or nearly so.
So, if I were just an ordinary every day average American, it would not be strange to assume that "Made in China" is the latest symbol of all that is inexpensive and poor quality.
Come to think of it, the best defense against a Hollywood blitz is not a quality film made in China, but a low-brow comedy that appeals to the basest of your laugh instincts.
Come to think of it, the best defense against a Hollywood blitz is not a quality film made in China, but a low-brow comedy that appeals to the basest of your laugh instincts.