The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.
And it would not make sense for any firm to bet its business on simple mash-ups.
However much countries may now regret joining the euro, leaving it does not make sense.
But what makes sense for individual countries may not make sense for the rich world as a whole.
They say the idea does not make sense for a country as large and diverse as the United States.
As you've seen so far in this article, sometimes a servlet-generated VXML does not make sense.
The IVM is available for entry-level servers where the added cost of an HMC would not make sense.
IVM 可作为入门级服务器来使用,在这种情况下,HMC 所增加的成本就微不足道了。
ANSWER: The most common response is that as God is omnipotent, "can not lift" does not make sense.
For example, it would not make sense to be able to represent an association by using a dashed line.
The comments only apply to a single post, so it does not make sense to separate them from that post.
If an assignment does not make sense, it's your responsibility to find out what really has to happen.
But, without understanding the idea of the ODM, much of the rest of this article would not make sense.
While it may not make sense, letting go all of those bottled up emotions helps you through the grieving process.
Therefore, it does not make sense to give a column a default sort order that makes it already sorted, in most cases.
I have heard from many patients that their doctor "did not believe" their complaints because they did not make sense.
It may not make sense to use replication in cases where the relational data are changing frequently and consistency is critical.
However, if the user is a system administrator with limited domain knowledge, those fields might not make sense and can be hidden.
As such a replacement can be of any length, it would not make sense to show it in the content assistants proposal selection window.
While there is benefit to using a GMS, it may not make sense to do that with a small team or a mature application that is not changing much.
"It does not make sense to have just one candidate taking part - the people would know the results before they go to the polls," he said.
However, dreams often leave people confused, with 52 percent saying they do not make sense and 60 percent wishing they could know what they mean.
Due to the heavy load on the database system, it does not make sense to have several threads cleaning the process or task instances at the same time.
But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does not make sense "to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning".
It is not required that you should have such methods, but they are useful as they don't allow user to fire commands that do not make sense at that point in time.
It is not required that you should have such methods, but they are useful as they don't allow user to fire commands that do not make sense at that point in time.