In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air.
These troops have rarely been at the center of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land.
There is a lot of rain in the south of China, but not as much in the north.
Unlike neighbouring Greenland, Iceland is considered to be a part of Europe, not a part of North America.
'I think there's a direct connection between the first appearance of people and the last appearance of many of the large mammals - if not all of them - that disappeared in North America.
North Dakota’s capital is protected from pollutants due to a relatively remote location and the fact that it’s not downwind of other cities.
In a plaza north of the river, not far from the Ponte Vecchio, sit the Florence Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore) and the Baptistery.
“If you’re not seen to be helping your constituents, you will not be re-elected,” says Martin Ferris, Sinn Fein TD (member of parliament) for Kerry North.
Today, Yan Qi works not far from where she grew up, at her company headquarters on a vast estate north of Chongqing.
At the time of the end-Permian extinction, Antarctica was some distance north of its present location, warmer than it is today, and not covered with permanent glaciers.
"The purpose of grocery stores is to get you to buy more food, not less," says Marion Nestle, author of What to Eat (North Point Press).
“杂货店存在的目的是让你购买更多的商品,而不是更少,”WhattoEat (NorthPointPress)的作者马里昂·奈斯·特尔说。
The LRA brutalised the entire north of Uganda, not just Acholiland, and young Acholi know little of, and care less about, traditional justice.
In reality her face, without appearing to do so, had caught the cold gleam of day from the North-East; his own face, though he did not think of it, wore the same aspect to her.
Oil spills occur in the North Sea at the rate of about one a week, but most are not serious.
The cultures of Rome and the tribes north of the Rhine, even if they had not mixed before, must have done then.
But a study of the north Atlantic and the Caribbean, just published in Science, suggests things are not getting worse.
India's tectonic journey not only changed the Indian Subcontinent, it also changed the environment of land to the north.
He frets about sewage in north Gaza, but is also worried that Europe and the US have still not grasped the enormity of the shift of power to Asia.
The sun must be very high in the sky and it can not be seen at a latitude above 55degrees north (which includes Scotland and much of Canada) or below 55 degrees south.
For a cheaper, although not quite as direct, method, journey north of the Arctic circle around the summer solstice and spend a night (ideally in a hot tub) watching the sun circle above the horizon.
THERE is not much to see in the city of Bakersfield, north of Los Angeles, but recent events have put it on the global electricity-industry map.
First, the former Lake Ptolemy (not, in fact, a new discovery) lay in the far north, in what is now a desert, hundreds of kilometres from the refugee camps.
Some of the refugees say that they have ventured north to check on their houses but did not feel safe enough to stay.
Finally, even as GM's North American business shows signs of life, not all is well elsewhere.
The story of Abyei is stark proof that the underlying causes of north-south conflict in Sudan have not changed.
A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, but in the Lapland region of Finland.
A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, but in the Lapland region of Finland.