Our head teacher often says, "You will not pass the exam unless you work hard."
Every year, nearly 90% of the candidates did not pass the exam. What are the causes of not passing exams?
You should complete and pass the qualification exam within two years. you will be quit if you did not pass the exam within two years.
Please tell the students not to forget to pass the electronic products to the teachers before the exam.
But his fellow competitor, Liang Weimin, was not fortunate enough to pass the written exam.
I suppose the next year 'exam is difficulty and I hope it. Of course the not mean by I can pass the exam with good marks.
The training center says that not every trainee here can positively pass the exam after the training course.
Not only did Mary pass the exam, she also got the highest mark in her class.
For example, some of them pass the exam but their oral English is quite low and they can not use English well in their lives well.
When I was in high school, I really wanted to get into a lucrative program in mathematics, did not pass the entry exam, I was very disappointed, I did not make it.
The colours are from the DE Stijl book of DOS and don 'ts, yet the angles culminate in a glazed point in an alleyway that would not pass any functionalist exam.
While a perfect score will of course result in passing the exam, it is certainly not required in order to pass the exam!
The face of the final exam, I was nervous, worried they do not pass the whole semester I are working hard.
Yes, It is said the pass rate is very low. Just in April, I have this course exam, but not pass. This is my only falling until now.
Yes, It is said the pass rate is very low. Just in April, I have this course exam, but not pass. This is my only falling until now.