Her talent was not in gathering information but in analyzing and assessing, a meticulous organizer who plotted and planned with the cunning of a leopard.
But figure two has not connected the dots, not drawn a line, it's actually planted each, or plotted, excuse me, each point as a red circle.
As you can see, because the heights of the bars are calculated with respect to the highest value, the bars do not exceed 1000 pixels in height and do not end up being plotted too high.
But if we don't have short-term goals and milestones already plotted along the way, we're not really sure if we're behind or ahead of schedule.
If unidirectional circuits exist in a network, the corresponding ventilation network equilibrium graph can not be plotted.
Frankenstein is not only a literary work cleverly plotted, but also a philosophical one with insightful meanings.
Complex and densely plotted, this is not an ordinary thriller and suspense story, but far more a discernment into human emotions.
Complex and densely plotted, this is not an ordinary thriller and suspense story, but far more a discernment into human emotions.