The quality of this cloth is fine, but the colour is not quite right.; the cloth is quite good except for the colour.
They can sense things that are unsaid; they can feel things that are not quite right.
You will be able to tell when the person you are communicating with is not quite right.
We often hear that Apple "plays the game" better than Sony, HP, Dell, etc - that's not quite right.
A criticism of this view is that it sees the solution to indebtedness as more indebtedness, but that's not quite right.
If something is not quite right in the output, is it the regular expressions, the style sheet, or a combination of the two?
The inevitable result is what we must call, though the term is not quite right, a misunderstanding between the two competing schools.
I'm afraid what you were told about him is not quite right. If you could meet him in person, you'll know he's very agreeable and capable.
The ratio between the heavy and light isotopes of the element in their crystals is not quite right for stuff that has come out of the ground.
Think about toothpicks: If there is a toothpick or two in the box of 500 that is not quite right, most people are not exactly worried about it.
Besides, where can I download your AI708 correct manual on your site? All the documents on the site seem not quite right for the one I have now.
If things are niggling you and bad moods are a familiar deal to you, then it’s a good bet that something’s not quite right somewhere in your life.
Bought this after reading the reviews, and it is the best drug store brand I have tried. The shade is not quite right but it's OK for filling in for everyday wear.
Face the problem of my mother so much, I was speechless, think carefully in the heart, find themselves really did not quite right, it decided to apologize to my good friend.
At first glance it may seem innocent, but after deeper consideration we realize something’s not quite right, we might feel like we’ve been hit by something but we’re not sure what.
While child will not understand all of the dynamics occurring between you and your partner, they will be able to sense that something has changed or is not quite right in the home.
Liu, who considers himself a more realistic than idealistic artist, has managed to express visually a feeling of unease, according to which, despite appearances, everything is not quite right.
One is that -there's a literature in finance about options and stock price performance, which goes back ten years, that shows that something is not quite right with the way companies issue options.
Would you consider that they might not be quite right?
That example I gave last time with the bicycle pump was not quite the right example.
What I wanted did not belong to me by right and whilst it could not be refused tome in quite same way, we still have subtle punishments for anyone who insists on what they are and what they want.
The problem, as Mr Purves acknowledges, is that for some buyers, the “atmospherics” of splashing out on such a conspicuous symbol of wealth do not feel quite right.
This means excluding places which are great cities in their own right—Paris, Berlin, Los Angeles—but do not quite fit our definition.
Right. So this is a great way of like fulfilling the requirements of the problem step but not quite the spirit of using a condition.
Right level of detail is picking up a card and saying 'I'm not quite sure', it pushes you to have a conversation.
Right level of detail is picking up a card and saying 'I'm not quite sure', it pushes you to have a conversation.