You wouldn't ordinarily run two CD commands in a row, because the point of changing your working directory is to do some work in it, not to move on to somewhere else straight away.
You may not get a ‘yes’ straight away, but if your employer sees that you are serious about making a change, you’ve at least built a starting point.
If you could straight away do a content reframe, you will not have formed the belief in the first place.
If you do not feel any vibration when you concentrate on the third eye, but you see colours of your third eye straight away, that means your eye is already awakened.
The problem is often posed this way: you've got a friend in your car who will die if you do not get to the hospital straight away.
You may straight away become aware of your third eye, but that does not happen often.
If you change properties using the mqsichangeproperties command, the Configuration Manager will not discover the new value of the property straight away. This discovery occurs.
Fortunately I consider myself a driver who does not need a lot of track time to be on a good pace straight away.
Some get it straight away, like the teetotal James Milner and Jordan Henderson, and some not so much, like Joe Hart and Adam Johnson.
I've never been the fastest at typing messages and some people do not reply straight away.
Although you should still do your best to feel good, don't worry if you're not back to "normal" straight away.
When Lin Ying graduated from Zhengzhou Normal University, she decided not to apply for a job straight away.
When I am not playing as I can and all is not well with my body it shows straight away, because I do not come and take the ball and have a go at defenders.
But we need the gradual approach as well, because most of the time we are not able to realize the nature of mind straight away, by remaining unaltered.
"Even at home I believe that we started the game straight away with Gallas not being fit, Arshavin injured," said the manager.
Not all of the 39m now infected with HIV need drugs straight away, but almost everyone needs them eventually, so the number on drugs would rise fast.
But he can not hold the exciting. He walked away of the office, out of the building, he walked on the street, go straight with the walkers.
When Lin Ying graduated from Zhengzhou Normal University she decided not to apply for a job straight away.
We proved in the away games, that when we manage to open the result straight away, everything becomes simpler, because last night unfortunately we did not succeed.
She said: "Wayne would have another one straight away, but it's not him having it!"
But although the arrival of the Americans has guaranteed a substantial summer war chest for the Spaniard, Gillett is not convinced the likes of United and Chelsea can be caught straight away.
虽然新来的美国人向贝尼特斯许诺了大金额的夏季”战争储备”, 但Gillett不相信能立竿见影地赶超曼联和切尔西。
But although the arrival of the Americans has guaranteed a substantial summer war chest for the Spaniard, Gillett is not convinced the likes of United and Chelsea can be caught straight away.
虽然新来的美国人向贝尼特斯许诺了大金额的夏季”战争储备”, 但Gillett不相信能立竿见影地赶超曼联和切尔西。