I did not take it to heart when I first saw you two sitting on a tricycle heading for town, but soon I sensed something wrong there.
However, the doctors warned that people who have stomach bleeding or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery.
Now you are with me, and this is a conscious risk, you say you will not take it.
It means you need to always think about your marriage and not take it for granted.
Rich countries, which have the bulk of power within the institution, do not take it seriously.
I think anyway. Red envelops bring us happiness. But, we should not take it as the main theme.
If a relationship with a client doesn't work out or a venture fails, you need to not take it personally.
But a big study proved shark cartilage worthless against lung cancer, and doctors said people should not take it.
So do not take it to heart! "this statement gave her great courage and she went on working regardless of all the criticism."
About the face problem, I think we should not take it serious, we are not living for other people, we are living for ourselves.
But one thing is for certain, he did not take it to make him lay the kind of football with which he has bewitched the world for a decade.
Do not covet the silver and gold on them, and do not take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it, for it is detestable to the LORD your God.
He hesitated a moment, for he could not believe that Heidi was in earnest; but the latter kept on holding out the bread and cheese, and as Peter still did not take it, she laid it down on his knees.
It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.
This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.
I had made it as plain as I could so that he could not fail to take my meaning.
Just the act of planning to take a photo—and not actually taking it—had the same joy-boosting effect.
Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom, it reminds me to not take my life so seriously.
If nothing else, showing that you've tried to solve the problem yourself before you take it farther makes it dear that you're not just a complainer.
Of course, it is not like you can take an unemployed waiter and train him to be a doctor in a few weeks, no matter who pays for it.
The helicopter has not only powerful weapons and armor, but it can take up to 8 gunners.
I now take the view that religion is harmless so long as it does not compel its members to proselytize.
Be sure not to take extra breaks or too long breaks as it can affect your plan.
It shouldn't take you long to the Sunshine Hotel. It's not the rush hour now.
Passengers must not talk to the driver while the bus is moving, because it will take his focus off the road.
By setting Peking Opera as an optional course, students may have more freedom to decide whether to take it or not.
Some businesses have begun to realize it may not be effective to let consumers take full responsibility for recycling.
It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded degrees.
It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded degrees.