Probably at that moment the reporter of Financial Time in Beijing did not take it seriously.
Rich countries, which have the bulk of power within the institution, do not take it seriously.
At first scientists laughed at Wegener's idea about floating continents and would not take it seriously.
In fact, netizens on I was very tolerant, 'squid Liu' is actually a fun topic, we will not take it seriously.
See here for our international friends: online collection, and has not been confirmed by any bank, please do not take it seriously. if you like then help of extra points.
Given the lack of contemporary documentation, this scenario cannot be proven, and although some consider the idea desirable to believe, most scholars do not take it seriously.
Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom, it reminds me to not take my life so seriously.
"Foxconn is certainly not perfect, but we take our responsibility to our employees very seriously," it said.
It is not surprising that you don't take the EU as seriously as it takes itself.
It's not trivial, although as a culture we don't take it seriously as a problem. It represents a profound problem of self-regulation.
It's not trivial, although as a culture we don't take it seriously as a problem.
It would require the Treasury to identify seriously undervalued currencies, and then, if the culprits do not take action, would allow American firms to ask for protective anti-dumping duties.
It's another reason to take depression seriously and not to think about it just in terms of mental health, but to also think about the physical consequences of mental health problems.
Trying to offer TDD as an algorithm generator is dopey and it's just going to make it easy for people not to take TDD seriously as a valid design technique.
If they get it wrong, as so many do because they don't check, I'm not terribly inclined to take the rest of what they say all that seriously.
IMHO most people will not take Apache Geronimo very seriously to run their products without it, so it's a big priority.
Though it is not hard for us to prepare the lessons, we all take it seriously every time.
But in organizations that take performance appraisal seriously and use the system well, it is used as an ongoing process and not merely as an annual event.
Although it is natural for you to be drawn into the depths, you also appreciate days when there is a carefree and optimistic spirit around, as it reminds you not to take everything too seriously.
You must learn not to take everything so seriously, however, because your attitude makes it impossible for you to have fun.
Not only do the prominent scholars of management always take the renewal of management concept seriously, but regard it as the great differences between the talent and the staff of management.
Learning the dance requires a lot of time and energy, the Lindy Hop also asks that you not take it too-too seriously.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out it alive. - Elbert Hubbard.
It is important not to waste money you do not have on college classes you are not prepared for or will not take seriously.
I am not too accusatorial or defensive by nature. I have always been kind of philosophical about it, remembering that it is just a game. People take these things too seriously.
I do not wish to sound overcritical but, I am finding it increasingly difficult to get on with my roommate. I take my studies seriously which seems to be the opposite for her.
It is my conviction that people here do not take the Chinese language seriously enough. The main reason is that they don't know why to learn Chinese. There is a lack of motivation to do so.
It is my conviction that people here do not take the Chinese language seriously enough. The main reason is that they don't know why to learn Chinese. There is a lack of motivation to do so.