Some water experts are now demanding that existing infrastructure be used in smarter ways rather than building new facilities, which is increasingly considered the option of last, not first, resort.
Once known, it spread rapidly, driving out water clocks but not solar dials, which were needed to check the new machines against the timekeeper of last resort.
It's easy, it's comfortable, but in general it should be the last resort, not the first.
But if the real reason is to delay the job search or as a last resort after failing to secure a job, then it is not going to be a worthwhile exercise.
The concept of limited liability, whereby the shareholders are not liable, in the last resort, for the debts of their company, can be traced back to the Romans.
It's not a place where children are force-fed, in fact, staff at the clinic tell me they have had to resort to tube-feeding a child just once in the last two years.
The European Central bank, which is not a lender of last resort even to Banks in the euro zone, has been sniffy about lending to countries outside it.
The ultimate aim of proposals outlined on March 29th, says Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, is to make litigation the last resort in civil disputes, not the first.
That might be enough to support the debt markets of Greece and Portugal, but it is not enough to be a lender of last resort to countries like Spain and Italy.
And it will be able more credibly to offer its services, not as a panacea, but as a court of last resort in the wider world.
Tajima village villagers to the modifications life and marriage, only to take "pro-exchange", "Ruzhui" and the last resort "Pianhun" do not choose the normal channels.
The police have not deprived the citizen life the right, opens fire only can be as a last resort when can use last resort.
Last resort and must also, under the guidance of the doctors use, not the tens of millions of human serum albumin, gamma globulin and other blood products as a tonic and abuse.
Whether or not the cleaner is a TSA member, you can take an action against the cleaner in the Small Claims Court, if necessary, as a last resort.
For four or five years I have not had a serious injury like that and to have the operation was a last resort.
The tunnel, once opened, if not a last resort, is unlikely to be closed for repairs because the city transportation network will be greatly affected.
Reality is always cruel, this relationship can not be relieved of male, female hard pressed on the reasons for separation, B segment by adding female response, way to make a last resort difficulties!
Reality is always cruel, this relationship can not be relieved of male, female hard pressed on the reasons for separation, B segment by adding female response, way to make a last resort difficulties!