In this case, it is important not to apply the filter to the original input string, but only to the output version.
The native content is parsed, and the parsed version of that content is included in the index, but the original content is not stored.
The original version of this article misidentified abstainers (people in the study who were not current drinkers, regardless of their past drinking status) as people who had never drunk.
If the application is not the first release, you should use the original glossary rather than create a new one so that all previous translations can be reused in the current version.
You may use whatever version numbering scheme the original author of the package uses, but it may not include a hyphen.
Though we will not try to make it look just like the original version, we will try to reproduce all of that application's functionality.
But in fact, the original French version (by Charles Perrault) of the tale was not quite so nice.
"China's Got Talent" will retain the three-person jury panel of the original British version and will not change its members during the run.
The utility they replace your original one with might be a different version, or it could have been compiled with different options, and as a result, it does not have the same options you are used to.
The client and its agent shall supply the final version of the advertisement. Any amendments to the original version will not be accepted.
If incorporation into the original is not possible, the original version is clearly identified as being superseded.
Whether or not it's worthwhile to use Duff's Device, either the original or the modified version, depends largely on the number of iterations you're already doing.
I badly wanted to be true to Barrie's original book. Not to the cartoon version or the pantomime or the last movie, but to the 1911 book.
IE has an option to render a page like previous version but firstly I've heard that it's not as the same as the original version and secondly it's just IE and what about others?
Disciple Kai Xin had discovered that the passage quoted from Guru Chen's book was not the original words because the pirated version was used as references.
And of course, let's not forget the titular character Godzilla, which gets an updated look that's more realistic, yet retains the style of the original version.
At present in China, there are not any original-version textbooks which can be directly applied in the bilingual teaching of molecular biology for master postgraduates in agricultural universities.
We consider it not only possible but necessary to pay due regard to the language peculiarities of the original work and at the same time make the version in the purest possible Chinese.
A dependent primary interop assembly with a version number that differs from that of the original type library is not discoverable when installed in the current directory.
"Knight", the Andy Lau and Tony Leung Chiu-performed version of the series, I think than the original adaptation of a good story, will undoubtedly increase Not that the answer to a more sure.
If the binary is not relocated, the original version of the binary is overwritten.
ARM personally think all the books the best one, but the original English version of Oh, and the domestic most of the textbooks did not know compared to several million times.
ARM personally think all the books the best one, but the original English version of Oh, and the domestic most of the textbooks did not know compared to several million times.