To find, to strive, and not to yield.
To strive, to seek, to find. and not to yield.
Don't let the suffering upon your throat, we have to grasp the lifeblood of the fate, not to yield.
Strong not only in the big is not not to yield, but also in front of the setback don't change yourself.
Another excuse for the states not to yield power is that other big insurance markets are far from consistent.
The central meaning Shared by these adjectives is. Tending not to yield to external pressure, touch, or force.
One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
If something is not in accord with the rules of propriety, it should basically not be done at all; how much the less should one consider whether or not to yield.
The principle of the game is that while each player prefers not to yield to the other, the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible one for both players.
The scattered light was not favorable to the yield and quality of Flammulina velutipes.
It will not yield to the temptation of adding to what is described a deeper meaning that it knows to be illegitimate.
Not having seen a debt-market crash since 1998, investors piled into ever riskier securities in 2003-07 to maintain yield at a time of low interest rates.
Please do not accuse me of presumption if I yield to this impulse of love.
In the boom, all that mattered to them was yield, and they did not need help finding it.
Subsistence farming may, indeed, yield only $200-300 per hectare but paying that sum to the locals will not give them shops in which to buy food.
That group says it is considering military action to remove Gbagbo if he does not yield power.
It continues to haunt us, to stalk us, and as we try to silence it with reason and maturity we find that indeed, it is a fire within our bones and it will not yield.
This repair is not going to happen overnight; it's a gradual process that can take a couple years to yield significant results.
Although it remains to be seen what revelations the archive will yield, its 91-year-old creator should not have too much trouble finding favourable blurbs for the book jackets.
It is not hard to see why they resist: a safe system would force average returns lower as high-yield activities came with more frequent, but systemically harmless, failures.
But funds requiring investments to pay dividends will not find this stock attractive as their dividends and yield are significantly lower than their peers in the industry.
And statistical controls are unlikely to compensate for a poor sampling strategy that does not yield a sample representative of the population to which we want to generalize.
The study says that small doses of oral sucrose do not reduce the pain which a baby feels when its heel is pricked to yield a blood sample or it has a drip put in to receive antibiotics.
Apple's service, on the other the hand, takes only "minutes not weeks," according to Steve Jobs, and could yield the company billions of dollars in revenue in the coming future.
Rental yield in China is low, and does not justify buying a house to rent it out.
NOTE: You should not expect changes in tuning to yield dramatic increases in performance.
The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees, ancestral hunting grounds, and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars.
The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees, ancestral hunting grounds, and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars.