Replacement is guaranteed if the products are not up to the standard.; We undertake to replace the specifications.
But still the quality of camera phone photos is not up to the standard of normal Digital cameras.
David: We bought 1000 sets of chemical instruments from you, but there are 40 not up to the standard.
This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim with you.
This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim with you.
This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim against you for $300,000.
All the export cargo had been thoroughly examined before shipment. If not up to the standard, the cargo is not allowed to export.
The relevant investigation and study attributed the main pollution reasons to the upper enterprises which discharged waste water not up to the standard.
Article 13 a medical institution shall check the blood for clinical use and may not use the blood that is not up to the standard set by the State for clinical purposes.
Forty faulty instruments means that 4% are not up to the standard. You should compensate us for 4% of the total account on the contract, as well as for the inspection fee.
It has been treated with herbicides and some fertilisers, but not up to the standard of the most recent agronomic practices, nor is it the highest-yielding semi-dwarf wheat variety.
Owing to ore properties and other causes the quality of iron concentrate was not up to the standard and the enterprise Suffered heavy economic losses after concentrator put into operation.
Datong City's sewage water is mostly untreated or is not up to the standard after treating, and then directly drains into river for irrigation, the agriculture eco-environment is seriously affected.
I'm certainly not the one who is going to make up a standard manifesto for those of us who consider ourselves greenies, but I think I'd like to ruminate on it a while.
These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion.
There is also an optional variant code, the use of which is not defined by any standard and is left up to the application vendor to implement.
Not only that, but the standard was an after-the-fact write-up, which meant that by the time it came to fix problems (such as odd version Numbers) it was already too late.
It was not so much the little less or more that he objected to as the failure to be up to the standard.
We feel it necessary to inform you that your last delivery of our order is not up to the usual standard.
Wang Shuo, Feng Xiaogang and all those movie stars-none of them has the academic credentials I do and what they produce is not up to my standard, yet they do make big bucks.
The wire rope conveyors have extensive used in all professions, in which joint quality is or not up to standard, to direct affect conveyor that can or not normal operate.
But a quality inspection system does not mean that each unit will always be up to the standard.
Discovery phase of the problem: a multi-product electroplating grant request can not be up to standard.
There is still not the engineering technique norm when stone material plane set up in engineering goes beyond the standard, which brings very difficulty to construction work.
Some objects define standard clean-up actions to be undertaken when the object is no longer needed, regardless of whether or not the operation using the object succeeded or failed.
RESULTS by strictly implementing measures that control nosocomial infection, the hygienic detections were all up to the standard, and nosocomial infection case has not been reported by now.
With more and more strict exhaust emission standard in recent years, the motorcycle which can not be up to the emission standard will not be launched.
With more and more strict exhaust emission standard in recent years, the motorcycle which can not be up to the emission standard will not be launched.