Mike: That sounds okay, and not very expensive. Is this your first time to try skiing?
The standard room in this hotel costs only 70 yuan per night, which is not very expensive.
Well, I was looking in this magazine the other day and cruises are not very expensive at all.
Woman: they are many new models now, they are not very expensive. Maybe you should look for one.
The outer frame package price is not very expensive, but also more convenient to fill backpacks.
A 30-minutes massage is not very expensive and is great for relieving stress and improving your mood.
Nowadays calling a mobile phone is also not very expensive so there's no need to worry about racking up a huge bill.
"I've seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult,"she says.
It is too expensive for farmers to use routinely, and since it is not effective until a month after vaccination, administering it after an outbreak begins helps very little.
"I've seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult," she says.
Full coverage was very expensive and difficult to achieve, because we had to hand-inspect our code to determine which lines were and were not hit by the test.
So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive at all.
Nice big modern homes (30, 000 + sf) are still very expensive, but not Hearst Castle.
漂亮的现代大家居(30 000 +标准型)仍然十分昂贵,但不像赫斯特城堡那样。
The ones that are using Windows based OS are generally fairly big and heavy and expensive, have very weak battery life, require keyboard or stylus, and from our POV, customers not interested in them.
Road trips can be a very expensive part of traveling (as can flying, but I’m just simply not going to attempt that with three children under five).
Although integrating with an accounting package is the most attractive solution, it is not very popular with it staff because it has a reputation for being difficult and expensive.
It did not build very inexpensive cars like VW did, or expensive sports cars as Porsche did.
This might not be very critical for our timesheet application, but in other scenarios this could be very expensive in terms of resources.
Extensive testing in this regard is either very expensive or impractical, and there is still a great deal in genetics that scientists have not properly understood.
Yes... When you think about getting there, and it can be very expensive and time-consuming, why not camp out in your own back yard?
Remember that the theme will be rendered upon every single request to your portal, so do not introduce expensive computations that put a very high burden on the system.
A break-up of the euro may not be unthinkable, but it would certainly be damaging, painful and very expensive.
To provide that information, it is necessary to capture allocation stack traces for every object allocation, which is very expensive and is also not available in most formats of memory dumps.
It's very expensive when you take into account not only the direct costs, but also the costs that you pay advisors to help you make these decisions.
These 3 photos were not taken in Turkey, but in Germany, the hotel of Munich airport, 5 stars, very nice and expensive hotel.
It is very expensive however and because it is a cosmetic procedure it is not covered by insurance.
It is very expensive however and because it is a cosmetic procedure it is not covered by insurance.