I wanted to retire last year but my contracts were not up. What I am doing now is nothing new; it gets boring and it is not what I want to do with my life.
I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, providing they're not hurting someone else.
What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.
I'm not sure what kind of engineer I want to be yet.
I'm not sure what I want to be but I'm sure that you have already known.
What I wanted did not belong to me by right and whilst it could not be refused tome in quite same way, we still have subtle punishments for anyone who insists on what they are and what they want.
That is not something that corresponds to who I am and what I want to be.
But now, I want to look at what happens when things are not in proper proportion.
Not only did I accumulate important experience for job, but also realize what I want to be in the future.
Others write blog posts that are more collages with interspersed text. Not my style-to me the text is the body of what I want to offer-but those good at it do well.
Here I want to suggest that it is not, and to try and locate what seem to me some significant differences between science and religion.
I never found out what was with me in my living room that night. I am not sure I want to know.
I'm not going to repeat all of the obvious keys to running a good business, but I do want to share what I believe is the Fountain of Customer Loyalty in the tea business - identity.
What I want to continue to do is... not only great powerful clothing, but also mixing music, subcultures, more of an entertainment spirit.
What I want to tell you is: I am not going to do any of those things and I’ll be back here again next year.
I'm doing what I want to do, not what is expected of me, and you should do the same for yourself.
It made me grumpy because afterward I thought about how eating junk while out is not at all what I want for my life or who I want to be.
My reasons for doing it are to free myself up from things that are not important, make it easier to maintain my living space and have fewer distractions from what I want and need to do.
我参加的原因是,希望能把自己从那些不重要的事情中解放出来,能够更容易地掌控我的生活空间,还有减少令人分心的因素好让我专心去做自己想做的和该做的事情。 不专注是创造力的天敌。
This lecture is not over yet but I want you to know that this is what we're going to apply - for many lectures to come — the decomposition of a complicated trajectory into two simple ones.
What you wanted — at least what I want, I invite you to ask yourself whether you want the same thing — what I want is not just survival, but survival with the same personality.
Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me.
"What I want to do now is not focus on my views but on the views of the Turkish and Armenian people," he said.
After all, when I was young, one of my favorite songs was called "it's my Life and I'll Do What I Want!" Not a message that would encourage you to cooperate very much with parents or school!
And I try to not schedule a lot of meetings before 8. So I've got that first hour to get myself organized for the day, and to make sure that I've structured what I want to do.
I knew fully well what you were thinking, you did not want me to be worried.
When I give too much emphasis to what they want to learn, I end up not performing my most important duty, which is to give them a sound foundation in the subject I'm teaching.
You know what? My English is not that great, and I dont want to miss anything.
You know what? My English is not that great, and I dont want to miss anything.