Before splurging on a fancy new high-definition television (HDTV) set, though, it is worth considering what features make sense and what do not.
While not a Fallen Angel in the formal sense, it's depressed price relative to the growing fundamental case for silver makes it worth considering.
Not all agree, but in a country where the National Health Service accounts for almost a fifth of public spending, it is worth considering.
To sum up, the college enrollment systems are not perfect. It needs to be improved. Maybe the testing way or times worth considering change.
So before splurging on a new high-definition television (HDTV) set, it is worth considering which features make sense and which do not.
So not considering or knowing the difference of money, and the greater cheapness nor the names of his bread, I bade him give me three-penny worth of any sort.
I'm not saying this should be the de facto option but it's an alternative finance channel worth considering, provided the pros and cons and cost/benefit has been properly considered.
Maybe it is a problem to usual RFID company, but to Delicacy Technology, it is not a problem worth considering.
It is worth considering why Japan did not fulfill what seems like such obvious predictions.
Form is not always has to follow function, a combination of both or even form first is also worth considering.
This is a problem worth considering, not so much and so I was a friend from school, it would be better that I am only looking for a place, "and others" is this "place" only a pretext.
That woman reveal arrogantly and not considering worth doing in the skittish eyes.
Had felt oneself instead relaxed very many was saying he is not worth me liking considering as finished?
Had felt oneself instead relaxed very many was saying he is not worth me liking considering as finished?