"Salmon," notes writer Susan Ewing in The Great Alaska Nature Factbook, "pump through Alaska like blood through a heart, bringing rhythmic, circulating nourishment to land, animals and people".
Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns.
Collecting raw material, which is reading books and taking notes, is very much like the process of brainstorming at the prewriting stage of an ordinary essay.
In the 20th century, the first four notes were used by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.
We have seen some problems like that and there are more in the notes in case you need more.
If you’re like me, the first thing you’ll do is take a look at the site and make some cursory mental notes.
You can still keep organized, which hopefully most of you like to do, and get it in the right place in the notes.
The Times notes that borrowed money has been used to finance not only real estate construction, but also low-return infrastructure projects like bridges, tunnels, subways, and roads.
《时代》 特别提到,这些借来的钱不仅仅用来做为房地产建设的资金,而且也用于像桥梁、隧道、地铁和公路等低回报的基础建设项目。
If his dream was to live in the woods, with a fireplace and a typewriter and sheaves of notes hooked on the wall, almost like a deaf-mute in his dealings with the world, that was his affair.
Talk to your son or daughter about what to wear on an interview, how to interview, and the polite gestures (like sending thank you notes) that will bring them a little bit closer to getting a job.
The IMF notes some of China's improvements in recent years, like the increased use of internationally-recognized survey techniques, and more regular and frequent publication of some key figures.
The showcase currently features Evernote-integrated services like business card scanners and voice notes applications.
When Sorrow sang, her notes were like the low sweet call of the nightingale, and in her eyes was the unexpectant gaze of one who has ceased to look for coming gladness.
I idolized the great improvisers like Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, but I rarely sought a soloist role. I was content being a sideman, playing notes written by someone else.
And if you go back to here and click on Archive Notes, it is the fourth button down that will take you to something that looks like this.
The Hay survey notes that 63% of workers say that their employers do not appreciate their extra effort. And 57% feel that employees are treated like dispensable commodities.
Willard suggests writing on your notes things like "take a deep breath here" or "pause and feel your feet on the ground beneath you."
Because we access backend Lotus Notes objects like databases, documents, and views, and because you call on the UI thread, you spawn a new thread in this method.
And just like the face she was born with, he notes, the way the tissue hangs on the bone will change with time and gravity.
It provides out-of-the-box integration of Lotus Notes with SAP at the client level, and yet like all Notes applications can be customized and adapted as necessary.
Cities like New York, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago listened and heard, if sometimes indistinctly, the notes of universal appeal, and children saw the Arabian Nights come true.
It looked like (and used) the existing Lotus Notes applications and processes, but the integration on-the-glass, information flow, and navigation were much easier.
它看上去类似于(用法亦类似)现有的LotusNotes应用程序和流程,但是on -the - glass集成、信息流和导航更加简单。
Finally, the SDK notes that like other languages, the go language runtime only supports a single CPU thread; so whilst goroutines and channels are present, only a single thread will execute.
最后,SDK指出,go像其他语言一样,其运行时仅支持单一C PU线程。所以,虽然goroutines (go语言中的并行程序称为goroutines)和信道都存在,但只有一个单一线程会执行。
MIAMI – Together, they crashed into the shores of Biscayne Bay like a tsunami, the way that LeBron James(notes) and Dwyane Wade(notes) believed basketball would unfold night after night.
We could also take the two eighth notes and divide them into two sixteenth notes and then we get one-a-an-d-two-a-an-d - one-a-an-d-two-a-an-d something like that.
"A certain amount of micro management and what looks like 'snooping' may just be standard behavior in the organization he came from," Hurt notes.
"A certain amount of micro management and what looks like 'snooping' may just be standard behavior in the organization he came from," Hurt notes.