Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Nothing attempted, nothing gained.
Although nothing ventured is nothing gained.
As you know, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I decide to call you up. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I don't care what everyone will say from now on.
I can buy insurance for myself this year and I can stop and if I — there's nothing gained — or next year I would just have to pay it again.
"Many of my friends would say, 'that is just too high a price to pay' but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained, " Croot said on eBay.
科鲁特在网上表示:“我的许多朋友可能会说,‘你赔大了’,但什么是地狱呢? 地狱就是没有冒险则没有收获。”
The saying "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained" presents a harsh truth many people have trouble grasping: if you don't take risks you will have a lot harder time accomplishing what you want in life.
Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewing gum.
This was a new perplexity; so that when I compared this place with the desert island from which the roc had brought me, I found that I had gained nothing by the change.
Some people tell me that occasionally I would be taken advantage of. They are right, but I can tell you that that loss is nothing compared to what I gained.
So that when I compared this place with the desert island from which the roc had brought me, I found that I had gained nothing by the change.
You lose absolutely nothing by using XForms instead of traditional HTML forms, and you've gained all the advantages of using an XML data model.
Far from gaining glory, they have gained nothing but heartache.
Nothing but sorrow have I ever gained except when left freely to myself.
"Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past," he argued.
It takes time to process the XML and resources to transport the XML, and nothing is gained.
Whatever had been alive in the mill remained, and what had been gained by it has nothing to do with this story.
磨坊里曾经活着过的东西,现在仍然活着,并没有因为这件意外而被毁掉。 事实上它还因为这个意外事件而得到许多好处。
If increased exports are balanced by increased imports, nothing is gained.
In other words - there was nothing to be gained from sending any reply.
She pointed to Hareton, the other individual, who had gained nothing but increased bulk and strength by the addition of two years to his age: he seemed as awkward and rough as ever.
NOTHING CAN be gained by not discussing issues which call into question the very roots of our society and which, sooner or later, must be faced.
Nothing untoward, like explosions, and no new knowledge gained. This has been our prediction all along on this matter.
It means that nothing can be gained without painstaking efforts and that no knowledge or skill can be acquired without sweat or toil.
Thus, nothing is gained by using this roundabout method.
Nothing is gained by frightening yourselves, and it is very destructive to do so.
Realize you have your irrational reasons, and so do they, and nothing will be gained by your proselytizing.
Realize you have your irrational reasons, and so do they, and nothing will be gained by your proselytizing.