If no such name and address of a solicitor is included in the notice of claim, it shall be regarded as if no notice had been given.
They claim IPCC investigators failed to notice police had taken more than 24 hours to write accounts of his arrest and death.
The entry of the caution would freeze the register during its currency; and a caveat to give notice of a claim.
The reasons are,again,numerous,and,notice, this is not an anonymous letter like the letters of John are that don't claim to be written by John.
The reasons are, again, numerous, and, notice, this is not an anonymous letter like the letters of John are that don't claim to be written by John.
Now I'm sure some of you will notice that I claim that Mac users tend to expect too much for free... and you might argue that Linux users expect things free and open source.
Article 113 a lost thing shall belong to the State if no one goes to claim it within six months from the date the notice of the finding of the thing is published.
The purpose of publishing a Cautionary Notice is to inform the public about the registration and claim to ownership and warning against the potential infringement.
To file suit, obtain the appropriate form, called the Statement of Claim and Notice, from the Small Claims Court in your district.
In the event of accident where by loss or damage may result in a claim under this Policy , immediate notice applying for survey must be given to the company's Agent as mentioned hereunder.
所保货物,如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失或事故,应立即通 知本公司下述代理人查勘。
In the event of accident where by loss or damage may result in a claim under this Policy , immediate notice applying for survey must be given to the company's Agent as mentioned hereunder.
所保货物,如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失或事故,应立即通 知本公司下述代理人查勘。