A notification class identifier parameter value was not found in the extended stored procedure.
For the notification class the number of notification batches generated during the reporting interval.
For notification batches of the given notification class generated during the reporting interval number of notification delivery attempts.
The reason for this is that the toString implementation in the Notification class does not display the type of the notification, which is arguably the most important part.
A device contains a set of base device attributes, an optional set of device class specific attributes or properties and an optional set of notification attributes that can vary by notification type.
We have configured in the notification plug-in properties file that a specific governance notifier class gets invoked.
Last, we extend the setters to call into the functions of the base class to propagate notification of property changes.
My second extension adds a simple naming convention to the ModelMBean class to transparently configure customized notification messages.
PublisherHelper class publishes a notification message on the JMS topic queue.
Finally, the Receiver class submits itself as a PostServiceListener so that the post service calls the posted function back when a notification arrives.
Supported by the extended class, workflow description language can define the functions of metrics collection, notification and validation for bug track process.
Adds the message handler to the selected class or object, and then opens the text editor to the new function so you can add the control notification handler code.
Adds the message handler to the selected class or object, and then opens the text editor to the new function so you can add the control notification handler code.