Notify me of followup comments via email.
Please notify me at your earliest convenience. Thanks a lot!
'They should at least notify me and tell me what's wrong with my blog!
Notify me in the comment section if any changes are needed to the texture pack!
M: no, I can wait for the ten days.Will you notify me when you receive the proceeds?
If you find a new place, please remember to notify me, I will still support CMC.
You may choose to uncheck the the box below it, "But notify me when an error occurs" if you want.
Oh, please don't bother; I can wait for the ten days. Will you notify me when you receive the proceeds?
You must notify me as soon as possible when a real and serious emergency keeps you from attending class.
Finally the “notify me” tab is a great way for an educator to keep track of when someone makes changes to your wiki.
Good show, now you must circle around high up in the air and notify me if you see any that have escaped the flames.
To do this, select Download new updates automatically and notify me when ready to install them under Download Options.
要实现这个功能,请在Download Options下面选择Downloadnewupdatesautomaticallyand notify mewhenreadyto install them。
If you can not rhyme to express tat, please notify me, you or I choose the right mode of transport and freight needed to let you know.
Also, please notify me at the beginning of the class if, for whatever reason, you are unprepared to participate in class discussion that day.
If I missed any of his creations, be sure to notify me, but before you do this, check if I already posted them to the " 3D Sidewalk Art" category.
You can select Notify me once about updates to be notified only once (usually when Eclipse is started), or select the other option to be notified at specific intervals.
您可以选择Notify meonceaboutupdates,让它只通知一次(通常是启动Eclipse时),或选择其他选项,让它在特定的时间间隔通知您。
If you must miss class because of a medical or personal emergency, you should notify me beforehand of the fact by phone, email, or in person, and get the information you missed.
Due to certain coverage limitations addressed in the policy it is important to notify me in the event your department opens an office or sends an employee overseas for an extended period of time.
“They’d say I would have to notify them in advance, get permission from the right person,” Lawn tells NEWSWEEK. “But they wouldn’t tell me who that was.”
That won't be necessary. Just tell me whether you will be able to come or not, I will notify the reception commission.
That won't be necessary. Just tell me whether you will be able to come or not, I will notify the reception commission.