Are you serious? Car parts are made in Mexico now, my LaCrosse boots are now made in China. On and on it goes.
The process has been in place for a long time, but now that it is speeding up you cannot lag behind if you are serious about Ascension.
This all means that if you are serious about making more money, speak up now, on or just after May 5 - there will not be another window of opportunity for a long while.
Sandy: Are you serious?! That's awesome. You can drive me to school now. Sweet! I have my own personal taxi.
Or, if you are married or have a serious business partnership now, you may get good news from your partner.
We are now facing the most serious challenge in our history and we hate to defend on you, our Allies, for support.
"Now, my daughter, you may sleep when you wish," said the Hermit. "For your wounds are washed and dressed and though they smart they are no more serious than if they had been the cuts of a whip."
Now, you are shy, serious you giggle for you. Will be the people most like you.
If you are serious to do well in your English language skills, don't think twice, enroll now and be one of the best.
Most of time, I listened him quietly, and commended him now and then, and laughed at it. He would be serious pretended and denounced me: boy, you are required to pay tax for your laugh, are you clear?
You are now ready to have a serious and substantial discussion with a current partner or a potential new one.
You are now ready to have a serious and substantial discussion with a current partner or a potential new one.