A primary goal of capacity planning is to ensure that it capacity is the right size at the right moment, whether that moment is now, tomorrow, or 20 years from now.
This is now your second season with Mourinho at Real Madrid, and there seems to be a very special atmosphere around the team at the moment, right?
For example, it could be that at that moment, the WWW - or non-www version was more relevant, now that other version is. At any rate, I don't think you need to worry too much about that:.
He paused for a moment then he tossed the glasses out the window, looked at me with a wink and a smile and said, "Can you see me now?"
In his opening statement, Wolfowitz said the world was now at an important moment in history to eradicate poverty and create opportunity.
The fact that you are here now at this great institution, in this great state, at this great moment for both you and your families is a testament to the fact that your preparation has begun.
Animals might fear an immediate danger, that is happening right now, but only we fear something that might happen, that isn't happening now, that isn't even showing its ugly face at the moment.
So at the moment left hand is at the start of this list of size 1, my right hand is at the start of this list of size 1, and now I need to merge these two lists.
However subliminally at the moment, millions of people now online perceive companies as little more than quaint legal fictions that are actively preventing these conversations from intersecting.
They have lots of strikers and are not ready to move now. They said to me, 'We are not in a position to do anything at the moment'.
The advent of the Premier League changed all that and now a multitude of cameras capture every moment at every top-flight game from numerous angles.
Some months before this, at the moment when Fantine had just lost her last modesty, her last shame, and her last joy, she was the shadow of herself; now she was the spectre of herself.
"It's really exploratory right now, but this is the only way at this moment to make some kind of prediction of what is going to happen in the short term," he says.
Now we face the real tests of our quality and, of course, that is where we want to show that we have improved. That's what is at stake at the moment.
Don't get stuck in the here and now when what is happening at this moment is just a small span in a long career.
At the moment we're hoping to expand our programming there to eight weeks over the next two years, up from the five to six weeks we have now.
But the police refuse, claiming that the officer assigned to the case is now on vacation and that nothing can be done about the matter at the moment.
The Middle East situation is now at a critical moment and its future evolution will have a great impact on peace and stability in the world.
Their representatives insist this scare affects less than 10 percent of the products on the market at the moment; and that all meat produced from now on will be perfectly safe.
Sully now sees lessons for the rest of us. 'we need to try to do the right thing every time, to perform at our best,' he says, 'because we never know what moment in our lives we'll be judged on.'
Now I will give you not only the positions-- as I did here on the x axis - at discrete moments in time-- but I'm going to tell you exactly where the object is at any moment in time.
Sully now sees lessons for the rest of us. 'We need to try todo the right thing every time, to perform at our best,' he says,'because we never know what moment in our lives we'll be judgedon.'
Now get int *y so now I'll use the board for things I can't really draw very well with the keyboard so what does the memory of my program look like at the moment?
Just drag the icon from the address bar down to the taskbar icon to pin it to the top of the Jump list-now you can get to those websites in a flash, whether Firefox is open at the moment or not.
Comparing with the younger me, I like who I am now, though I am not young anymore, I have wisdom and experience at this moment.
The film interested us deeply at that moment. But now it's not what it used to be.
The film interested us deeply at that moment. But now it's not what it used to be.