Now lives in Shanghai, responsible for the company's R & D department, in charge of the work.
Rebecca Miller, a 20-year-old British girl from Newcastle, who now lives in Shanghai and hosts Learning Chinese in Fun on local TV, was full of expectations about the Shanghai Expo.
在上海居住着一位来自纽卡斯尔的20岁英国姑娘丽贝卡,她去年与美国、德国、加拿大等地的年轻人一起在上海参加了《冲刺,上海! 》“真人秀”电视节目,向境外游客和常住上海的外籍人士介绍真实而富有趣味的上海,现在她是上海广播电视台外语频道“乐学中文”节目的主持人。
Rong Rong now works and lives in Shanghai.
Haipiao, a word used to describe young people moving to Shanghai for versatile lives, now has a new interpretation: Chinese striving in a foreign country facing an uncertain future.
Now he lives in company provided accommodation on the outskirts of Shanghai.
Half a year ago, Tom lived in the house next to us. But now, he no longer lives here; he has moved to Shanghai.
Half a year ago, Tom lived in the house next to us. But now, he no longer lives here; he has moved to Shanghai.