On one hand, more people have health care now than before but it hasn't reduced the cost.
She says that because older people are in better shape now than before, they have a different outlook, or attitude.
The dull and the oily orange rays have become a little stronger now, not much, but definitely a little stronger now than before!
"It is possible that people are perceiving the effects of mental illness more acutely now than before," he said. "people could be becoming more aware."
A lot of young people today find it difficult to get a job, especially in the first few months after they leave school. This is a problem now than before.
Jao says there are more sophisticated clients in China now than before, but he still thinks the architectural design industry in China is short on talent and taste.
As one single man told us, "Of course, I'd never recommend getting leukemia as a way to broaden your social sphere, but I actually have more friends now than before I got sick."
When scientists now think about future machines doing large and complex tasks, they're thinking smaller than ever before.
Grandmother sleeps so well every night now, that before long she will be stronger than ever.
The network has shrunk by roughly a third since its postwar heyday, but more trains now trundle up and down the country than ever before.
This advice is more relevant now than ever before, even as more parents want to embrace the ideas of their children, despite the current housing crunch.
Now she is much thinner than before.
Now farmers can harvest more rice than before.
Now the students feel safer than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.
Jane has become more outgoing than before. She can express herself in public now.
Credit cards matter a lot less than before. We usually pay with smart phones now.
That troubles persist at the Home Office is partly because the issues it deals with now worry the public much more than before.
Now, God blessed me more than before. Before, I had seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yokes of bulls, and one thousand donkeys.
Many typical queries are now noticeably faster than before thanks to numerous performance improvements.
We live in such a fast paced society now where everything is done faster, bigger and better than before.
Putting public and private borrowing together, it becomes clear that America as a whole is no more improvident now than it was before.
You now have a better application than before, since the application can now use some of the Struts resources.
But now more than ever before, the success of the U.S.-China relationship will rest on your shoulders. I hope you take it seriously.
Americans love animals and they are more interested in how we treat animals now than ever before in my lifetime.
The blog looks more professional and therefore I believe it looks more trustworthy now than it did before. It leaves people with a better first impression.
This goes part way towards explaining why some groups now appear strikingly more endangered than before.
Look at the statistics and you'll see that there are more people now than ever before who read their star signs in the daily news.
But now, more than ever before, it's just nice to see him up on stage, doing what he clearly loves to be doing, introducing new, insanely great Apple products.
But now, more than ever before, it's just nice to see him up on stage, doing what he clearly loves to be doing, introducing new, insanely great Apple products.