Now, we'll cover these concepts in greater detail later, but you should be getting the idea that I don't want you to just film dancers on stage and turn it in as your screen dance project.
You also can E-mail the irritating kid your notes, and, in the college bartering system, now he owes you a good turn if you ever happen to miss class yourself.
Or you could try focusing on something else that is now, at long last, scientifically guaranteed to improve your mood. Just make sure you turn the phone off.
Now turn your attention to the implementation of the DB2 database objects (such as, schema, tables, indexes, and stored procedures) and the application interface to these objects.
现在来看看DB 2数据库对象(比如模式、表、索引和存储过程)的实现以及这些对象的应用程序接口。
Turn the dough out and press it down with your fist. It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings.
Turn your attention now to providing a user interface for bank tellers to initiate the four core functions.
When she had successfully done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle and thread to the judge, saying, "Now it is your turn."
If that's your concern, try to turn that seemingly unrelated former position to your advantage by finding a connection to the job you want now.
Now that you've simplified the process of cleaning up your handlers at the end, turn your attention to simplifying the beginning of the click-and-drag process.
Now that you've created you Amazon SQS queue, turn your attention to the local aspects of this hybrid application.
Maybe we can go to the mechanics of it, in case someone who's watching TV... "turn off your TV and meditate now."
They said, Turn ye again now every one from his evil way, and from the evil of your doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD hath given unto you and to your fathers for ever and ever
If your deployment plan calls for the feature to be rolled out later, you must create a Server Configuration document to turn it off for now.
Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.
We've mentioned Fring before because it's a great way to turn your iPod touch into an iPhone, but until now the only way you could make calls with it was via Skype.
之前我们提到过Fring是由于它可以令你的ipod touch变为iphone,那时的方式是透过skype软件。
The moments shall now begin to turn into reality as events brandish your world that will leave indelible prints in its long and colorful history.
Now see if you can turn your attention even deeper to the sensation of the inner body.
Now do your best to reach the topmost and most forbidding part of it and then turn back to tell me about your findings.
Julien: I like to sing. It's fun. Now it's your turn, singing the song.
Many of the seemingly big changes that are now rocking your world will turn out either to be smaller than they seem or more welcome than you realise.
Now you are going to read the text in turn. Watch your pronunciation and intonation. Mary, suppose you start first.
现在大家轮流读课文。 请注意语音语调,汤姆,你先读吧。
Eclipses bring dramatic news, but keep in mind that even sudden reversals can now be used to turn the tables in your favor if you stay alert.
Now do your best to reach the topmost and most forbidding part of it and then turn back to tell me about your findings.
Now open your books and turn to Page 73. Read the passage, then fill in the forms.
Now open your books and turn to Page 73. Read the passage, then fill in the forms.