For example, most universities that joined the NSF network had intracampus computer networks.
This new NSF network attracted more and more institutional users, many of which had their own internal networks.
Databases on the Notes client remain in NSF format.
This policy includes the Forms6.nsf database as well.
这个策略也包括 Forms6.nsf 数据库。
These views identify a common set of notes in an NSF file.
Click OK to add this NSF component to the component palette.
Most Domino application developers call the NSF file, a database.
Process all of her insufficient funds (NSF) request by 10:00am each day.
每天10:00 am之前处理所有的不足基金(NSF)请求。
Add NSF components to the composite application editor component palette.
Another area that produced some interesting Numbers was NSF database cache usage.
All operating system and messages with default values (events4.nsf) are enabled.
用默认值(events4 . nsf)启用所有操作系统和消息。
Figure 12 shows the percentage of entries that were in use in the NSF database cache.
To view the logged messages, open Log. NSF and then click the Miscellaneous Events view.
Note: Notes/Domino will only import the key field, COMPNO and save it into the NSF file.
注意:Notes/Domino只会导入关键字段COMPNO,并将之保存到NSF 文件中。
The mail databases are distributed into four data directories, each holding 250 NSF files.
As you know, the size of the NSF files affects server operations such as compact and fixup.
For example, compact operations act like a disk defragmentation tool for your NSF files.
All the functions whose names start with NSF have to do with databases, notes, or items.
Back up NSF files on the server using a backup utility that is compatible with NSF files.
Copy the NSF files from the Download section to the data folder of your Lotus Domino server.
First, my minimum goal is to triple the NSF budget and then have comparable scalable increases.
As noted previously, the mail file owner must have at least Author access in the ACL of Admin4.nsf.
正如前面提到的,邮件文件所有者必须至少拥有admin4 . nsf的ACL中的Author权限。
This file (cl_doc_2.nsf) contains a simple database containing the documentation for each component.
该文件(cl_doc_2 . nsf)包含一个简单的数据库,其中包含用于每个组件的文档。
This file (cl_us_2.nsf) contains the Eclipse components and the code for the Lotus Notes components.
该文件(cl_us_2 . nsf)包含Eclipse组件和LotusNotes组件的代码。
The screenshot in figure 9 shows a users/threads selection of 1; this creates one database, mail1.nsf.
You can run your own test using the Performance test agent in the Digest Search 2 database (Digest2.nsf).
您可以使用DigestSearch2 (Digest2 . nsf)数据库中的Performance测试代理来运行自己的测试。
Several of the forms in the Forms6.nsf database can be modified by Domino developers using Domino Designer.
Domino开发人员可以使用 Domino Designer修改 Forms6.nsf数据库中的多个表单。
After the first backup of the DAOS repository, perform incremental backups as desired of both NSF and NLO files.
And listing 1 shows the code that gets the names of all the NSF applications in the local Lotus Notes directory.
清单1显示了代码,该代码获取本地Lotus Notes目录中所有NSF应用程序的名称。
And listing 1 shows the code that gets the names of all the NSF applications in the local Lotus Notes directory.
清单1显示了代码,该代码获取本地Lotus Notes目录中所有NSF应用程序的名称。