That programme was about “weaponisation”: the fiddly business of making a device that can set off a chain reaction in nuclear fuel.
The document also recommends that engineers continue adding boron to cooling water to help prevent the cores from restarting the nuclear reaction, a process known as criticality.
The nuclear reaction can be controlled utilizing rods made of neutron-absorbing material, such as boron, essentially shutting down the fission process.
During a nuclear fission chain reaction, the tubes heat up to extremely high temperatures, and the way to keep them safe turns out to also be the way to extract useful energy from them.
A nuclear reaction is at its most basic nothing more than a reaction process that occurs in an atomic nucleus.
Nuclear release can take place as a result of the nuclear reaction. After the reactor is stopped it is thoroughly cleaned and washed with special deactivating powder.
After Israel developed a nuclear weapons capability in the late 1960s, no regional nuclear chain reaction followed, even though the country is surrounded by rivals.
9 SEC the control rods, made of boron and silver, are lowered, which slows down the nuclear chain reaction within the core.
Without cooling water, the irradiated nuclear fuel could spontaneously combust in an exothermic reaction.
Keep in mind, this is not a nuclear reaction, but a simple chemical explosion that often (as in this case) results in little or no radioactive material being leaked into the outside world.
These radioactive elements are by-products of the fission reaction that generates power in the nuclear plants.
The only difference is where the heat comes from — to get it, you can light coal on fire, or you can create a controlled nuclear fission reaction.
Japan itself had a Level 4 accident in 1999, when three workers preparing fuel for a reactor at a Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion plant triggered a nuclear chain reaction, called a criticality.
日本在1999年就曾发生过一次4级核事故(又称“东海村核事故”——译注),当时在日本核燃料转换公司(Japan NuclearFuel Conversion)的一个燃料厂内,三名正在为反应堆准备燃料的工人引发了一次链式核反应,使反应堆达到临界状态。
Us scientists are trying to use the world's largest laser to set off a nuclear reaction so intense it will make a star bloom on the surface of the Earth, CNN reported.
Fast-moving neutrons are produced by fission reaction in a nuclear reactor. Water is commonly used to moderate and control the speed of neutrons.
A supernova not only blasts the heavy elements formed in the star out into interstellar space, but also initiates its own nuclear reaction, producing even heavier elements.
At the other extreme, a star whose mass is too great will become so hot as a result of accelerated nuclear reaction.
This article reviews the methods of studying the nuclear structure by means of the nuclear reaction as a tool for investigation. It is divided into two parts.
This formula can integrate MSC and HFM with the optical model and can give self-consistent and uniform description for nuclear reaction.
A basic theoretical research on light nuclear reaction and the nuclear data calculation, as the two contents of this thesis have been performed.
The structure and performance of a three-dimension movable target holder used in nuclear reaction experiments are described.
The threshold energy formula of nuclear reaction in which energy is absorbed is obtained using laboratory frame. It is consistent with the result obtained in mass center frame.
The heat generated by the nuclear reaction boils the water in the reactor vessel, turning the water into steam.
The design of the ADS system is based on the microscope nuclear reaction data which concern the security and the performance of the whole system directly.
It uses the method of nonequilibrium dynamics to study the stability of stellar nuclear reaction area considering the effect of diffusion, convection and gravitation.
The cylinder will move step by step by controling flow, then the cylinder drives the neutron absorber and controls nuclear reaction.
The cylinder will move step by step by controling flow, then the cylinder drives the neutron absorber and controls nuclear reaction.