Two desktop-printer engineers quit their jobs to search for the ultimate source of endless energy: nuclear fusion. Could this highly improbable enterprise actually succeed?
Time, then, to rekindle a little glamour, by using lasers to bring about nuclear fusion, the great prize of energy research.
Technological progress will be essential but, barring a breakthrough in nuclear fusion, it will not set us on a path to an energy system purged of fossil fuels.
Nuclear fusion is what powers all Main Sequence stars in the universe, and efforts to exploit this energy have been ongoing for decades.
The white whale of energy, scientists have been hyping the potential of nuclear fusion since, oh, the first hydrogen bomb was dropped over the Marshall Islands in 1952.
Nuclear fusion joins atoms to produce energy.
I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source. It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy without pollution or global warming.
This heating is extremely efficient and can convert about 50% of the mass energy of an object into radiation, as opposed to nuclear fusion which can only convert a few percent of the mass to energy.
Substantial research efforts have shown nuclear fusion energy to be a promising technology for producing safe, pollution-free, and economical electric energy later in the 21st century and beyond.
In this paper the progress and prospect of utilization of nuclear energy (decay, fission and fusion energy) are reviewed.
The energy of the Sun arises not from any burning process but from nuclear fusion, the transformation of hydrogen into helium, in part by a complicated process involving carbon and nitrogen.
The stability of compressor suction-exhaust pressure has a great significance to economize energy, increase efficiency of refrigerator and ensure the nuclear fusion experiment operate normally.
For the long term the plan lists nuclear fusion, solar electric energy and the study of breeder reactors as priorities.
This is a step short of the lab's stated goal of "ignition", where nuclear fusion generates as much energy as the lasers supply.
The trend of globe energy transformation is briefly analyzed, and it is indicated that main energy used by mankind during 21st century are two kinds: nuclear fusion energy and natural gas hydrate.
The technology of vibratory stress relief(VSR) used in energy engineering, such as HT-7U nuclear fusion superconducting Tokamak massive base plate and vacuum vessel was introduced.
Nuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium at high temperatures releases enormous amounts of energy.
Some matter is lost during nuclear fusion. The lost matter is emitted into space as radiant energy.
The ultimate goal of the National Ignition Campaign is the achievement of "controlled, sustained nuclear fusion and energy gain for the first time ever in a laboratory setting."
Stimulation energy with Pycnodeuterium easily caused intense solid-state nuclear fusion, whereas with Pycnohydrogen no reaction occurred.
Stimulation energy with Pycnodeuterium easily caused intense solid-state nuclear fusion, whereas with Pycnohydrogen no reaction occurred.