Of or relating to a nuclear reaction induced by photons.
The nuclear reaction is calculated using intra-nuclear cascade model.
The calculations are based on nuclear reaction rates, computed for different stages of a star's life.
A nuclear reaction is at its most basic nothing more than a reaction process that occurs in an atomic nucleus.
For missions such as these, we will need rockets powered by a nuclear reaction rather than igniting chemicals.
The resonance tunneling via lattice-confined ion is quite different from that of beam-target nuclear reaction.
The heat generated by the nuclear reaction boils the water in the reactor vessel, turning the water into steam.
At the other extreme, a star whose mass is too great will become so hot as a result of accelerated nuclear reaction.
The dust in the high-energy electron linac tunnel may be activated via photonuclear reaction and neutron nuclear reaction.
The structure and performance of a three-dimension movable target holder used in nuclear reaction experiments are described.
Zirconium hydride has excellent practical prospects due to its properties as neutron-moderator material in nuclear reaction piles.
The cylinder will move step by step by controling flow, then the cylinder drives the neutron absorber and controls nuclear reaction.
The correlation function method is applied to analyze the fluctuation of the excitation function in the dissipative nuclear reaction.
Many calculation results show that the code can do fair predictions of the nuclear reaction cross sections for the medium heavy nuclei.
The first samples were made through a nuclear reaction involving fusion of an isotope of californium, 249 Cf, with one of oxygen, 18 o.
This formula can integrate MSC and HFM with the optical model and can give self-consistent and uniform description for nuclear reaction.
The outer tube of the cylinder will be moving step by step by controlling flow, driving the neutron absorber and controlling nuclear reaction.
A basic theoretical research on light nuclear reaction and the nuclear data calculation, as the two contents of this thesis have been performed.
This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs and the gases within the star start to bum continuously.
The nuclear reaction can be controlled utilizing rods made of neutron-absorbing material, such as boron, essentially shutting down the fission process.
The design of the ADS system is based on the microscope nuclear reaction data which concern the security and the performance of the whole system directly.
A Japanese nuclear expert said the main risk was from continued radiation leaks, and the risk of criticality, or a self-sustaining nuclear reaction, was low.
This article reviews the methods of studying the nuclear structure by means of the nuclear reaction as a tool for investigation. It is divided into two parts.
Nuclear release can take place as a result of the nuclear reaction. After the reactor is stopped it is thoroughly cleaned and washed with special deactivating powder.
It uses the method of nonequilibrium dynamics to study the stability of stellar nuclear reaction area considering the effect of diffusion, convection and gravitation.
Us scientists are trying to use the world's largest laser to set off a nuclear reaction so intense it will make a star bloom on the surface of the Earth, CNN reported.
A supernova not only blasts the heavy elements formed in the star out into interstellar space, but also initiates its own nuclear reaction, producing even heavier elements.
A supernova not only blasts the heavy elements formed in the star out into interstellar space, but also initiates its own nuclear reaction, producing even heavier elements.