A few of granular cells have typical nucleolus.
Nucleolus disappeared, but some plants in the early diakinesis nucleolus remains high.
Normal macrophage with oblong nucleus, nucleolus, and cytoplasm with a variety of inclusions.
Identifying the changes of the refractive indices in part of the nucleolus of the cancer cells.
There are several solution concepts with respect to di? Erent rationality, such as core, nucleolus, etc.
There is distinct nucleolus the naked nucleus and some dispersed organelle as lysosome around the nucleus.
The data of N-banding patterns indicated that the N bands did not display the nucleolus organisers exclusively.
带型分析表明,N 带并非专一地显示核仁组织者。
The nucleus possesses a center nucleolus with fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar component and granular component.
Other symptoms observed included: the karyotheca dissolved, the nucleolus and the endoplasmic reticulum disappeared.
The nucleolus is the most obvious structure seen in the nucleus of a eucaryotic cell when viewed in the light microscope.
The nucleolus has been studied for a long time but there have been still many arguments about nucleolar structures and function.
Type B2, B3 thymoma have obvious atypia with rich in euchromatin and distinct nucleolus in nuclei and broad cytoplasm with projections.
The nucleolus and chromosomes were connected with the MN filament network. The uniformity of nuclear MN changed with the development of the PMCs.
Results In blank group, the hippocampal structure was clearly viewed, dense neurons with plenty cytoplasm and deep-dyed big nucleolus were observed.
The larger nucleolus was higher in electron-density, but the inside structure was not even, sometimes there was a very large nucleolar vacuole in it.
The nucleolus is a dynamic region of the nucleus that is disassembled and reformed each cell cycle and whose size is correlated with cell growth rate.
After storing 150 days, taking a sample from the granulation (rind puffing) fruit, the nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondrion and chromoplast could also be seen.
The morphology of cells, the nucleolus, membrane and cytoplasm of neurons in DRG had not been changed under light microscope and electron microscope in all groups.
It has been demonstrated that telomerase activity would be altered upon oxidative stress and excepted from nucleolus to mitochondria as well as telomere shortening.
Nucleolar structure is one of the most obvious symbols. However, little is known about its evolutionary origin. Some previous studies implied that Giardia has no nucleolus.
We first observed that the head ofmature tentacle contained transfer cells which were pellet shape, thickness cytoplast, large nucleolus, developing endoplasm, small vacuole and thick cell wall.
These changes are discussed in relation to current knowledge about nucleolar structure as well as the organization of chromosomes and transcription factories in nuclear regions outside the nucleolus.
These changes are discussed in relation to current knowledge about nucleolar structure as well as the organization of chromosomes and transcription factories in nuclear regions outside the nucleolus.