That remainder is compared to 0 (it is the remainder 0 and, thus, num is divisible by 3).
该余数与0比较(如果余数是 0,那么该数可以被 3 整除)。
The function takes a single parameter named num.
此函数只接受一个名为num 的单一参数。
So, with 0 as num, it returns 1 as the result.
"Num of request" is the number of HTTP requests.
The num Lock key and virtual numeric keyboard are gone.
The recursive C code is return num * factorial(num - 1).
递归的C代码是returnnum *factorial(num-1)。
Satisfactory results are obtained through a great num...
It contained the prophecy of the two elders named in Num.
However, if a result set is unordered, no num attribute is used.
We use the seq function to turn big-num-str into a sequence.
我们使用seq函数来将 big-num-str转变为一个序列。
LCL_NUM_VALUE is the stack offset of the local variable num.
The program lets you make your Caps and Num Lock buttons safer.
We then use the def macro to define a constant called big-num-str.
之后,使用def宏来定义一个常量,称为big - num - str。
It also creates num attributes that contain the chapter and section Numbers.
NUM; National Union of Motor Assembly and Rubber Workers of South Africa;
Then you substitute the num variable to create the host you're going to SSH to.
The red select criteria for <xsl:apply-templates> read as @num<=4 and @num>=5.
<xsl:apply-templates>的红色选择标准为 @num<=4和 @num>=5 。
Similarly, we check to see what is the remainder when num is divided by 5 is 0.
同样地,我们检查 num被5 除后的余数是否是 0。
It returns the remainder, so in this case, the remainder when num is divided by 3.
Even though it is the same variable name in the same code, num is different this time.
Then, because num is greater than 0, factorial will be called again, this time with 3.
然后,由于 num大于0,因此会再次调用factorial,不过这次是计算 3 的阶乘了。
To change the number of entries to 100 (for example), add the query string parameter num=100.
例如,要将条目数目改为 100,添加查询字符串参数num=100 。
Create a dummy locale, called "en-num" (add a folder as a sibling of the other locale folders).
创建一个虚构的本地语言环境,称为“en - num”(添加其他locale文件夹的一个兄弟文件夹)。
Set the application's locale to be "en-num" and go over all the screens of your application.
将此应用程序的本地语言环境设置为 “en-num”并遍历应用程序的所有屏幕。
This is especially important for wireless keyboards that have no Caps and Num Lock indicators.
It is in this instance "script" is used within the "num" workflow. So when "num" script is executed.
So, with 3 as the value of num, we go through the function again, then with 2, then with 1, then with 0.
According to the JLS, because stop and num are declared volatile, they should be sequentially consistent.
Next, the code defines the items that should appear in the form. For this example, there is a single item, the num field.
Next, the code defines the items that should appear in the form. For this example, there is a single item, the num field.