Using uppercase avoids confusion with the number 1.
I'm wondering if my rear shock is adjusted optimally. As it is, I can see the number "1", surrounded by yellow, just to the right of the bolt on the shock.
The first number in the rectangle is a process number (1 through 9), and the second number is the phase number within a process.
Prepend the cname tag byte (context-specific tag number 1) and length bytes before the SEQUENCE of Step 5 above.
In this example, the Clash is the first artist in the XML file, so every occurrence of the Clash has the number 1 beside it.
该例中,TheClash是XML文件中的第一位艺术家,因此所有The Clash的编号都是1。
Since factorials of numbers less than 1 don't make any sense, we stop at the number 1 and return the factorial of 1 (which is 1). Therefore, the real factorial function will look like this
由于小于1的数的阶乘没有任何意义,所以我们在计算到数字 1 的时候停止,并返回 1的阶乘(即 1)。
The value in the element is the XPath number (+1) of the element in the file sharedStrings.xml.
这个元素的值是sharedStrings.xml文件中 元素的XPath数(+1)。
Premise Number 1 Only composite things can be destroyed.
Originally, there were four types of JDBC drivers, differentiated by their type number: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
At that level it is a thousands times more radioactive than water found in the neighboring Number-1 and -3 reactor buildings.
Chapter represented is Number 1, pages 1 through 23.
CARDF (see number 1 in Figure 5) : table cardinality, which denotes the total number of rows in the table.
Let's not just arbitrarily say the number 0 is false, the number 1 is true.
Path number 1 I'm going straight up in the V-T diagram.
If a breakpoint such as number 1 was already defined at line 21 we could use the 'condition' command instead to set the condition on the breakpoint.
如果已经在第21行中设置了断点,如1号断点,则可以使用'condition '命令来代替在断点上设置条件。
Harmony is indeed invisible in sense Number 1, you cannot see it with your eyes, but for all that, it can be destroyed.
If you are like most of the participants in an experiment by Gilbert et al. (2010) then you'll go for number 1.
At around 3:30 p.m., shortly after TEPCO announced the venting, an explosion rocked reactor number 1. This is thought to have been caused by hydrogen from the core.
To generate XForms, the XFG plugin at first analyzes the WSDL file describing all the Web service operations available through a particular Web service (see Figure 5, Number 1).
为了生成XForm,XFG插件首先分析WSDL文件,该文件描述通过一个特定的Web服务提供的所有 Web 服务操作(见图5,序号1)。
Great to see a media company that rose from the startup world,, rank number 1 in consistency.
Prof: Only number 1, exactly so. I say, could be, because it could be I can say the room is hot and that's an standard intonation that makes it a question. You see what I mean?
"Vision of Love" reached the top ten in Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland and the Netherlands. It went to number 1 in Canada and New Zealand.
"Vision of Love" reached the top ten in Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland and the Netherlands. It went to number 1 in Canada and New Zealand.