This often increases the number of individuals collected and attracts species that are otherwise elusive.
A dramatically increasing number of individuals contend family is extraordinarily significant.
In afflicted communities, a large number of individuals are in the ranks of survivors and rescuers.
PMP is the world's most widely recognized PM certification program, in terms of number of individuals certified.
Moreover, the number of individuals who are worth more than 100 million renminbi is rising at its fastest pace.
A number of individuals and organizations have developed and published models for defining such a standard or baseline.
Rarity is not merely determined by the number of individuals in a species, it is also about how unusual that species is.
A company whose stock is held by a limited number of individuals and cannot be bought or sold through a stock exchange.
The length of lines roughly represents mutational steps. The size of circles roughly represents the number of individuals.
In larger projects individual roles can be carried out by a number of individuals, so clarity must be established within the team.
The population of a Balinese village is traditionally counted not by the number of individuals, but by the number of compounds.
Back in 1896 (Modern Olympic Games in Athens) a number of individuals offered their services in the Olympic Games on a voluntary basis.
In this way they make it possible for public opinion to include a large number of individuals and to spread over wider geographic areas.
There are also a small number of individuals in our society who, flouting the public interest, wilfully break the law and commit crimes.
When we report a subscriber number, that represents the total number of individuals who had the feed requested on their behalf on that day.
Exponential growth a type of growth in which the rate of increase in Numbers at a given time is proportional to the number of individuals present.
These results suggest that the number of individuals requiring screening to prevent one CRC is 191 and to prevent CRC-related death the number is 489.
Vehicle exposure refers to the number of individuals exposed to the media vehicle, such as the number of people who read a or watched a television program.
The need for physical therapists will continue to rise as the number of individuals with disabilities or limited function spurs demand for therapy services.
The number of individuals in different demographic groups who would have provided usable information if response rates were equivalent. See sample weighting.
Yet knowing and understanding this information could potentially liberate any number of individuals from resigning themselves to a narrow life constrained by fear.
In particular, the skills required to understand both the business domain and also various aspects of technology are often best spread across a number of individuals.
Without the assertion of individuality, without the cooperation of a vast number of individuals, the idea of “we” is bound to be meaningless, fragile, and vulnerable.
Because they are able to bypass death, the number of individuals is spiking. They're now found in oceans around the globe rather than just in their native Caribbean waters.
由于可以绕开死亡,灯塔水母的个体数量非常庞大.它们源自加勒比海,如今已遍布全球海洋.史密森尼热带海洋研究院的Maria Miglietta博士称:"我们看到的是一个全球性的无声入侵.
The results indicate that the rate of species accumulation is related to the logarithm of number of individuals in each vegetation type, independent of diameter classes.
The results indicate that the rate of species accumulation is related to the logarithm of number of individuals in each vegetation type, independent of diameter classes.