The results show that the number of lead poisoning of children with amblyopic is much higher than that of healthy children.
On multi-team projects, the Agile Team Lead and the Project Manager work together to coordinate across the teams through a number of forums
Note that in the 2-tier space, where Oracle holds a slim 5% lead, Oracle used twice the number of CPUs that DB2 did in order to obtain only 5% more performance.
This policy could lead to deadlock situations if the pools are not sized correctly, but it controls the number of active objects, which might help scalability.
As the number of tenants increases, the interruptions become more frequent and lead to very serious service availability issues.
Connecting the PPS system to any number of suppliers, each with its own protocol and data format, can lead to a significant amount of code that must be developed.
The Elaboration and Construction phases have a number of similarities that lead to similar approaches to measurement.
Consequently, the fast rise in number of foreign tourists may eventually lead to the decline of local tourism.
This implies the creation and maintenance of a number of process variants, which could potentially lead to content redundancy, inconsistency, high maintenance cost, or poor usability.
Previous research has highlighted a number of important factors, such as childhood trauma, which may lead to clinically relevant hallucinations.
Disparate processes and tools lead to increases in complexity and waste in a number of ways.
All of these various pages and resources can lead to a large number of classes, but there may be a single application spec.
Identifying a limited number of essential medicines may lead to a better supply, more rational use, and lower costs.
In fact, InBev's impressive distribution network outside America would probably lead to a sharp increase in the number of foreigners guzzling Bud.
Having the wrong number of chromosomes can cause an embryo to miscarry, or lead to serious medical conditions such as Down's syndrome.
A record number of drug patents expire over the next few years, which should lead to stiff competition from generics and a collapse in prices.
There are a number of ways of doing this (foregrounds is one) but one of the best ways into a shot is to provide viewers with lines that lead them into an image.
Although a number of infections can lead to hair loss, the most common infection that affects the scalp and hair is ringworm.
A very high number of leukemia cells building up in the marrow also can lead to low neutrophil and platelet counts.
These are not the same as permanent genetic mutations but can lead to changes in the number or type of genes expressed in the cloned animal.
Now there's evidence that antibiotics commonly prescribed to help control severe breakouts may, in a very small number of patients, lead to inflammatory bowel disease.
The detailed data contains the ID, acronym, name, lead name, lead title, and total number of employees within the organization as well as its sub-organizations of all levels.
The process is typically owned by a marketing lead who collaborates with a number of other groups, including engineering, research, artwork, legal, and manufacturing.
Relying only on integration tests does lead to a number of problems, however.
But while the findings could lead to tastier treats, they will disturb food traditionalists by paving the way for an increased number of genetically modified fruits and snacks.
But while the findings could lead to tastier treats, they will disturb food traditionalists by paving the way for an increased number of genetically modified fruits and snacks.