The number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25.
The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies.
The 83% of American employees who are stressed about their jobs—up from 73% just a year before—say that poor compensation and an unreasonable workload are their number-one sources of stress.
As with office space, the number of your employees is a choice between seeming impressive, and being impressive.
As an example, let's count employees grouped by office, in other words, the number of employees in each office.
That, and the smaller number of employees in many departments, strengthened ties between employees and bosses.
Some investment Banks are hiring staff for Asia-Pacific markets at the fastest rate they think they can absorb, typically increasing the number of employees in vital markets by 20-25 per cent a year.
For internal design projects, think of doubling usability as cutting training budgets in half and doubling the number of transactions employees perform per hour.
If you read through the response you will see some interesting information, such as the number of employees in the company, a description, and lists of products, relationships, and competitors.
It found that the number of businesses with employees - one indicator of entrepreneurial activity, like self-employment - took a nosedive.
The post office wants to meet its daily requirements using only full-time employees. Minimize the number of employees that must be hired.
Google has doubled the number of employees in each of the last three years.
The post office needs to minimize the number of employees it needs to hire to meet its demand.
Device Loss: you'll be amazed at the number of ways your employees lose mobile devices.
Do you need to know the exact number of working days that your employees or team members work in order to properly plan for a project?
The scenario is a simple personnel-based application that requests that the payslips for a number of employees be sent out.
During that period, the number of employees covered ranged from eight to 20, and the demographic mix varied as we hired and fired people of different ages and family configurations.
In contrast, the factory in Workville, which does not allow any of its employees to work part-time, had a slight increase in the number of days of sick leave taken last year.
Figure 11 illustrates the elapsed times of the payroll processing demarcated by employee counts, revealing the relative relationship between the number of employees and the elapsed time.
The list of departments will display, ordered by department number, along with all of the list of employees in that department (Figure 33).
Between April and June businesses sharply increased the number of hours worked by employees, which is often a prelude to hiring new workers.
In this interview, Murdoch argues that the latest head-count reduction at MySpace was necessary because the number of employees at the company had grown out of control.
Salaried employees receive the same pay from week to week regardless of the number of hours they work.
In America in 2010, the number of part-time workers reached a new high of 19.7% of all employees.
The real reason may be less sinister—though troubling for the growing number of employers encouraging their employees to blog.
For software that serves enterprise employees, the number of registered users is a good indicator of the value that a group derives from the product.
As the number of employees in your organization grows, it can be a challenge to maintain the appropriate access control of your data.
As the number of employees in your organization grows, it can be a challenge to maintain the appropriate access control of your data.