Royal Bank of Canada (RY) ranked number ten.
At number ten and definitely not the least is Giza Pyramid Complex located in Cairo Egypt.
For helping to build paradise, Kilauea, one of the world' s most active volcanoes blasts onto the list at number ten.
Do you sometimes wish to be something that you are not? A bee, a bike, a boat, a spotty leopard, or maybe the number ten?
Xianfeng treasures the charm is not only to this, money Bureau and number ten is when the greatest charm of xianfeng. meanwhile.
The ancient Gothic word for ten, tachund, is used to express the number 100 as tachund tachund.
在古哥特语中,表示“十”的词是 “tachund”,用来表示数字100的是 “tachund tachund”。
400 trucks may sit in a jam for ten hours waiting to cross the limited number of bridges.
After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again.
They have really been liked by a large number of people over the last ten years.
Ten—the age of Annemarie in Number the Stars—is an age when young people are beginning to develop a strong set of personal ethics.
Roughly the same number of fishing vessels are at sea now as there were ten years ago, but better technology means each vessel can catch more fish.
Along with this, they looked at depression scores over the ten years, and looked at the number of depressive episodes.
Figure 11 illustrates the top ten hot documents, sorted by number of comments.
Ten minutes past five, I called Bernie’s private office number, and a secretary picked up, ” she continued. “I said, ‘This is Carmen Dell’Orefice.’”
5点10分,我拨了伯尼的私人办公室号码,一名秘书接起电话,”她继续说道,“我说, '我是卡门·戴尔·奥利菲斯'。”
Mr Giambiagi points out that the number of pensioners will grow by about 4% a year for the next ten years.
Fio Giambiagi指出,领取老人年金的人数,未来十年将以每年增加百分之四的速度成长。
In only the past ten years, the number of Chinese Internet users increased by 2,385.21 percent, the number of Chinese Websites 10,123.9 percent, the number of Chinese domain names 11,139.9.
In the ten years to 2003 the number of travel agencies that employed more than 100 people grew by 60%, from 109 to 174, and the number of tiny ones fell by a third, from 18,186 to 12,865.
Urban metro lines will also expand dramatically from 620 miles to 2,800 over the next ten years, as the number of cities boasting such systems doubles from 11 to at least 22.
In the first, we create a list of all spammers using the name element; in the second, we return the number of spammers with more than ten posts.
T: Now pick two number between one and ten, including decimal numbers and fractions, then add, subtract, multiply or divide them as you like.
Simply iterating over the numbers from one to ten, say, with XSLT 1.0 is clumsy if the number of times your template needs to iterate bears no relationship to the input document.
比方说,简单地从一迭代到十,如果模板需要迭代的次数和输入文档没有什么关系,使用 XSLT 1.0 完成这个任务就非常麻烦。
And then the person who actually plugs in all the Numbers and gets the right number will get ten.
And then the person who actually plugs in all the Numbers and gets the right number will get ten.