Linda first thought about TT in the late 80s, when she learned it was on the approved list for continuing nursing education in Colorado.
Objective to explore and select reliable content and method in time, so as to improve the focalization of medical continuing education for nursing staff.
Conclusion the suitable content and method of medical continuing education for the nursing staff could mobilize the nurses' learning enthusiasm and promote the quality of nursing.
On this foundation, it is built that a teaching system of the continuing education on the whole nursing of the single category disease in the clinic special section.
The above results suggest that we must manage nursing education with emphasis on the entrance examination, school education, clinical practice, continuing education, etc.
Result 5 items and 4 methods of medical continuing education were selected which were suitable and effective for nursing staff.
Methods 20 credit hours lectures on the traditional Chinese medicine nursing were given to the on-the-job nurses in Finland in a continuing education project.
"China Nursing Association Zhuhai Training Base" is the sole domestic national class continuing nursing education base established with approval from China Nursing Association (CAN).
Objective: the "Continuing Occupational Education" was conducted to enhance the training for nurses and improve quality of the nursing troops.
Method a questionnaire was used to investigate the status of continuing education in nursing staff on duty.
Conclusion the suitable content and method of medical continuing education for the nursing staff could mobilize the nurses' le...
Nursing staff have sufficient understanding of the importance of continuing education, a single way to study, the lack of planned and targeted;
Nursing staff have sufficient understanding of the importance of continuing education, a single way to study, the lack of planned and targeted;