Copper is a nutrient element for crops growth.
Nutrient element content is different in organs, but it is highest in leaf.
Phosphorus was the nutrient element limiting the eutrophication of the lake.
The nutrient element content, uptake and cycling of each Paulownia organ are studied in the paper.
Root of advanced plant not only absorbs nutrient element but also synthesizes some biochemical active material.
In order to control frequent element deficiency diseases, effects of spraying nutrient elements on Pistacia veraL.
Cadmium is one of the most toxic heavy metals and is not an essential nutrient element for plant, animal and human being.
Zinc is an essential nutrient element for biological organisms, but it is toxic to plant, animal and human at excess levels.
The cortex of bark was consist of 9-12 layer nutrient element parenchyma so its mechanical capability have influence on the resistance to the disease.
山核桃树皮的皮层均由9 - 12层富含营养物质的薄壁细胞组成,其机械性能在一定程度上影响着树皮对溃疡病抗性。
The effect of waterlogging on the total accumulation of main nutrient element in hua 376 is greater than that in Yuhua 15 after the harvest of the peanut.
Effects of aluminum on nutrient elements absorption and distribution of both wheat cultivars seedlings were compared by the nutrient element determination and X-ray microanalysis.
采用元素含量测定和X -射线微区分析的方法,比较了铝胁迫对两小麦品种幼苗营养元素吸收和分布的影响。
The accumulation and distribution rule of productivity and nutrient element were studied by determining the biomass and chemical element in different organs above ground of sample trees.
The wild benthic Marine algae include rich nutrient and trace element and active substance of biology.
The experiment was conducted to study the performance, nutrient efficiency, blood serum biochemical traits and the mineral element in tissue of cage-rearing young ducks (one day).
Experimental result indicated that rare earth element may promote growth of hypha and increase weight of dry matter, and also improve quality and nutrient value of edible fungi.
Deficiency disease a disease caused by deficiency of a particular essential nutrient (such as a MICRONUTRIENT or trace element), usually with a characteristic set of symptoms.
The thyroid gland readily absorbs iodine in any form, (including radioactive iodine...) and it retains this element as a nutrient for extended periods.
An experiment was carried out to study the effect of NPK fertilizer, micro-element fertilizer, organic fertilizer application on the yield and nutrient quality of Alfalfa Medicago sativa l.
An experiment was carried out to study the effect of NPK fertilizer, micro-element fertilizer, organic fertilizer application on the yield and nutrient quality of Alfalfa Medicago sativa l.