The Lanzhou Lily contains redundant nutrient substance and microelements.
It not only has many nutrient substance but also has high medicinal value and health function.
Other such as sweet potato porridge, stewed sweet potato, nutrient substance with water cut off.
Research shows that this will prevent embryos from getting oxygen and nutrient substance which are necessary for life.
The structure of epiderm combined with middle layer is advantageous to the conveyance and storage of nutrient substance;
The production process of sweet yellow corn wine was introduced , and the main nutrient substance of the wine was analysed.
Coenzyme Q10 is a vital human nutrient substance with extensive USES. It has very important physiological and pharmacological activities.
辅酶Q 10是一种具有重要生理和药理作用的生命活性物质,用途十分广泛。
The magnitude on grey correlation degree between disease resistance and nutrient substance was Phytophthora blight, CMV, TMV Bacterial scab of Capsicum.
It concluded that, at the early stage of grain filling, leaf sheath performed the physiological function as sink, which received nutrient substance from leaves.
As an intermediate product from protein to amino acid, peptide is the important nutrient substance and one of the important alimentation of protein besides amino acid.
Purslane is one of the wild vegetables which is the favourest by the people. It not only has many nutrient substance but also has high medicinal value and health function.
The definition of a "nutrient" is a substance that is required for our bodies to properly function.
The wild benthic Marine algae include rich nutrient and trace element and active substance of biology.
The purification technique, combining bivalve and plant floating-bed, could not only get rid of suspended substance and algae, but also remove the nutrient effectively.
Based on the principle of supplying the shortage, the complex nutrient solution was applied to rejuvenate the old fermentation pit to enhance the ability of producing the flavor substance.
Based on the principle of supplying the shortage, the complex nutrient solution was applied to rejuvenate the old fermentation pit to enhance the ability of producing the flavor substance.