All this shows if the temperature of repeseed processing rises over the limit, the nutrition value of protein will be greatly deteriorated.
Melamine can also be used to illegally inflate the nutrition value of foods by fooling testers measuring protein levels.
The author from such aspects as raw material, nutrition value, food use effect and economy benefit discussed the development value of plant leaf protein.
The amino acid score(AAS), chemical score(CS), essential amino acid index(EAAI), biological value(BV), nutrition index(NI)and score of ratio coefficient of amino acid(SRCAA)of its protein were 66.
It is rich in soybean protein resources. soybean protein gets easily form processing. It has complete nutrition value and fairly good quality of protein.
It is rich in soybean protein resources. soybean protein gets easily form processing. It has complete nutrition value and fairly good quality of protein.